Some people like to watch….

But I ain’t one of them.


Sigh…. that feels a little better.  Yesterday the BCC had a free weekend where you could take as much green rubbish (trees and prunings etc) to the ‘Refuse Transfer Stations’ – a DUMP by another other name smells just as foul – to try and encourage residents to get their trees trimmed back ready for the storm season.  So we decided it would be a good weekend to cut down about half a dozen trees that had been ill-advisedly planted by the previous owners that were getting way too big and were way too close to the fence.

We got a chainsaw, hired a ute, pruning shears, gloves, hats, sensible shoes and everything else you need for a day o heavy yard work…. and then I spent the entire day watching the guys do all the work  🙁  I spend half my life watching other people do the things I wish I could do for myself.  My Mum who is in her late 50s is stronger and fitter (and painfree) than me.  She’ll come over here grab a ladder and clean MY gutters or get outside and weed my garden for a few hours and I can’t do that stuff without ending up in massive amouts of pain.  And it frustrates me to tears that I have to get other people to do the jobs that I want done.

But it’s not just the work.   I stand by and watch my friends go motorbike riding … something I’ve always wanted to do.  I’ve watched friends go white water rafting, scuba diving, parasailing, hell I even stood by and watched my Dad with MND and his father (my grandfather who was 89!!!) go sky diving!!!  It’s shit. 

It’s just shit feeling like you’re sitting on the sidelines of your own life when you desperately want to get in and get your hands dirty.

Tell me what you think