Sweet Dreams aren’t made of this…

Had another weird arse dream last night…. oy!

i was out at the shopping centre (Carindale?) with Mr K and he led me into a shop.  It was a lingerie shop that had no style about it whatsoever… there was no signage, no store displays and merchandise was just laying about on pallet racking,   It looked like a Bunnings Hardware Warehouse but with lingerie thrown about on the shelves.

Mr K told me with a magnanimous wave that the shop was all mine to run and that I had to work there because he had put all our money into it as a surprise.  I stood there like a stunned mullet for a bit and when I regained my composure I told him that there have been three failed lingerie stores in that centre and they didn’t look like a hardware store.  I then dragged him around the mall to the other lingerie store in the place that was all lush and fabulously laid out with immaculate window displays, elegant signage and classy retail layout.  I told him that this was the competition and there’s no way the lingerie shop he bought would sell anything compared to this.

But Mr K said ‘Ah-ha’ with a knowing smile and said that we would be selling more than just lingerie!  He then pulled out of his pocket a brown piece of coconut shell about the size of his palm which had been defuzzed, polished up and then painted with acrylics with a tacky tropical beach picture on it.  He told me that my little sister had been painting them and that everyone absolutely loved them and we were going to sell heaps of them in my store!!   … and I was standing there looking at him like he’d lost his marbles when I woke up.

Jaysis, merry and jozeff!!  What the hell was that all about!

Tell me what you think