Who’d be a girl :(

After being recently admonished for having professed a preference for socially acceptable euphemisms that also manage to acknowledge one’s innate intelligence when it comes to dealing with bodily functions… I’ve decided to not go into the gory details of how my day has been today but rather shall just say that while the abdominal pain has (mostly) gone… the memory (and the corollary mess) remains.  Which whilst not being exactly fun hardly warrants mentioning compared to Friday night’s awful experience.

In spite of the back pain, in spite of the infertility, in spite of my sluggish metabolism, in spite of the carpal tunnel and even in spite of my unfortunate relations – though those I can hardly be blamed for. (Sorry got a bit JA there for a second).  In spite of all these… most of the time I don’t mind being me.  I guess I mean that even though I have had these horrid ongoing health problems for nigh on two decades now, I don’t dislike who I am for the majority of the time.

However…. this particular episode has had me really wishing that I could be someone else.  Even just for a little while would be nice.  It’d be kind of novel to throw someone else in this ridiculous pretense of a body of mine and see how they’d fare.  Would I find out that I’m just a lousy complaining bitch and it’s not that bad after all?  Or… (as I suspect)… would that person come away from the experience saying that they have no idea how I put up with it day after day? 

Like I’ve got a choice.  Who knows?

Ignore thy bodily functions at thy own peril.

Okay so maybe my weird arse dream on Thursday night was trying to tell me something other than the fact that discussions about miscarriage seems entirely inappropriate amongst strangers….   😐

I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and have had more than my share of girly swot problems over the years including insulin resistance, infertility and disastrous…. and I mean truly fucking painful and heinous… periods.  So I tend to ignore as much of it as I can.  Which is a policy that has NOT held me in good stead on this occasion.

Having not had a cycle since… ohh… February I think… I was not surprised when my next cycle did finally start in early July that it was not exactly "pleasant" MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT !!!   I should probably have investigated it earlier than August when it still hadn’t decided to stop, but like a silly little bint, I thought I knew what was going on so just asked my GP to start me back on the pill again.  Which I did… to no effect whatsoever… it just kept coming and going and going and coming… for about 8 weeks in total. 

Until yesterday afternoon about 4.30pm when I started to have abdominal pain.  Which is nothing new to me because of the aforementioned girly swot issues.  So I did my usual: take two Digesic, have a lie down.  No help there.  Grab a heat pack and a cuppa tea a bit later trying to ignore it.  Still no improvement.  Another couple of Digesics, reheat the heatpacks, a couple of Tramadol and a movie for distraction and by 9.30pm I was experiencing severe abdominal pain that was not abating and was fast reaching a point where it was beyond my ability to tolerate. 

This was without doubt the worst abdominal pain I have ever experienced… worse than post operative pain from two laparoscopies, worse than a golden staph infection in the umbillicus, worse than any of my 9 or 10 TVEPUs (Trans Vaginal Egg Pick Ups on IVF) worse than pain from having my ovaries drilled then electocauterized and definitely worse than the post operative pain from a c-section delivery which I once described as ‘a mild abdominal discomfort’.

By the time I agreed to be taken to the hospital at about 10pm, I was doubled over clutching my abdomen, grimacing and swearing constantly.  By the time I got to the hospital, I couldn’t sit or lay down in anyway that helped alleviate the pain, I was literally writing in pain on the hospital bed, sweating with the effort of trying not to scream and was gritting my teeth, trying not to cry (failed at that a bit I think).

The hospital admissions people rushed me in… thank God.  I don’t know what I would have done if I’d been left in the waiting room. They took as complete a medical history as I was able to offer in that state (no easy task given my convoluted gynaecological history) and did some blood tests, gave me some IV morphine that I initially resisted but eventually agreed to take in desperation.  The morphine worked quick and helped ease the pain considerably.  I got a second shot of morphine and the pain levels dropped from ‘unbearable’ to ‘what abdominal pain?’ in mere minutes.  (Strangely enough… the morphine kicked in and the abdominal pain disappeared but did nothing to dull my regular back pain which was still present… weird fucked up nervous system).  I had a pelvic exam (never fun) and then they wanted a urine sample so I went to the bathroom and (how do you put this delicately?!?!?) passed a largish amount of ‘endometrial tissue’…. which was probably the remains of a miscarriage that my body had been trying to expell for some weeks.  Not fun.

Almost immediately I felt better Yes I know. I know.  I shouldn’t have ignored the problem.  I should have gone off to see the OB/GYN weeks ago which would no doubt have resulted in a controlled and clinical D&C instead.  Sigh.

We live and learn…. or at least that’s the plan.

Quel dommage pour La Petite Salle Deux.

Wouldn’t you know it?  BigSal is having a birthday soon and was planning on dragging us all out to one of our favourite BrisVegas restaurants, Two Small Rooms, to celebrate.  We haven’t been there for a while ( though I think Mr K and I went in Apriil last year for our anniversary) and thought a visit was well over due.

Only earlier this week … disaster struck in the form of a drunk and unlicensed driver who lost control of his vehicle and totalled Two Small Rooms…. I mean literally… both of them.  Luckily it happened well before any patrons had arrived for the dinner hour so no one was hurt.

Anyway…  so much for that cunning plan.  Big Sal will have to come up with a "Birthday Plan B" I think.

Did I take 2 white pills and 1 orange pill? Or 1 white pill and 2 orange pills?

I had an awful dream last night and I woke up this morning feeling alarmed and distraught.  It’s not to hard to dissect from where I sit, but I want to write it down as it is a pretty good indicator of what my nightly pharmaceutical cocktail has been doing to my dream/thought patterns and sleep habits.

I was upstairs in a store that I worked in selling musical instruments (which I have never done in my life knowing very little about music and playing instruments in general) and there was a floor to ceiling window that overlooked the street.  The store and the window reminded me of looking out the windows at Borders or David Jones in down town Brisbane, but the street below looked more like a regular row of town houses in any suburb on London (attached houses with a shared roofline and short useless front fences that don’t really divide their occupants from their neighbours at all).

There was two pregnant women standing beside each other on the doorstep/stoop of the townhouse directly across the street from the shop window where I was looking down on the scene.  A man about two doors over who (I am reluctant to say) was dressed in the typical shalwar kameez style prevalent on the subcontinent or southern Asia is what we call it now I guess.  He was staring at the two heavily pregnant (western attired) women in a palpably menacing way and I felt like I had to do something but I didn’t know what.

Suddenly, he threw something at the women.  It was small and round and black about the size of a Magic 8 Ball and it had a designer label Louis Vuitton logo on it.  Neither of the women caught it and it landed on the ground.  One of them picked it up from the ground at their feet whereupon it exploded in her hands with a very loud noise and a massive flash of flames and light.  Instantly I was no longer in the window watching down from a safe distance but I was with them, their blood and dismembered bodies and intestines all over the place screaming for someone to call for help…. but there was not another soul in the street… the perpetrator too had disappeared.  I was desperately trying to stop one of the babies from bleeding while I called for help on my iPhone (bizzare) and the ambulance and police turned up before I had hung up from the call.

They ambos and cops muscled me away from the women and told me to go back to work.  When I rentered the building, it was no longer a musical instrument shop but was BigSal and Surly’s pizza store where I was greeted by one of the managers (a young man of particularly sour disposition) who told me I was covered in blood and I should go out back and clean myself up before I could return to work making pizza.  I went out the back door (where I have never been in real life) and was confronted by a dozen angry customers who were all yelling at me demanding that I do something about the extremely profane and offensive graffitti that was all over the back wall of the pizza shop.

At which point I woke up feeling discombobulated to say the least.

So what have I learned from my horrible dream?

Don’t let strangers upset you by talking about miscarriage.
Don’t fight with Nieman Marcus anymore over designer handbag debarcle.
Call the Homemake Center and have them deal with "LAURIES R GAY CUNTS" graffitti*.
I’m obviously sick of BigSal and Surly’s pizza
Oh… and it’s probably not wise to mix up my drugs at bed time.

*Lauries being a local
boys Catholic school.

Bring me another Mai Tai!!!!

Buy bananas…
Clean up after linen party….
Pick up Small Child and friend for swimming…
Book tickets for 12 on P&O Cruise around New Zealand….

Yay!  We’ve gotten the gang together (finally on the same page after a little wailing and gnashing of teeth) for the

Second Not-So-Annual Cross Family Cruise Holiday!!!

We last went cruising with the Family in January 2006 – and by "Family" I mean… 

My Mum and Dad
Mr K, Myself and Small Child
BigSal, Surly and Fishy-Bob.
LittleSis, Noisy BroInLaw and B1 and B2
Unc and SpiderMeg 
and Poppa II of course.

We did a trip that went through the South Pacific to Vanuatu, New Caledonia etc.  which was quite a departure from our usual style of family holidays.  We used to be the 4WDing, National Park hopping, camping, bush walking, cooking over an open fire sort of family holiday people. 


But when my Dad became wheelchair bound (from MND) we had to take a massive departure from our regular holiday program and do something that I never in my life thought I’d see my parents want to do… take a holiday on a cruise ship.  The very idea of it seemed so off the planet for people who’ve put over 400,000kms on two very sturdy 4WDs over 40 years of camping holidays around Australia that I think my Dad shocked us all into agreeing to go!  It probably didn’t hurt that he had decided to shout everyone’s the cost of their passage either!  I found out later that it was a deliberate ploy on my Dad’s part… he’d tried several times to negotiate family trips and always one or more of us would end up going into work or taking laptops along to get some work done and he kinda figured if we were all stuck on the boat with no decent internet connection then he’d have our undivided attention…. and it worked a treat.

We had a huge time.  The best thing about it?  Being able to sit down to dinner every night with the extended family … all 14 of us (until we figured out we could feed the rug rats early and send them off to the kids play center and have nice adult dinners) without any of us having to cook, serve or clean up.  It was fantastic – all fun conversation and no work!  So here we are planning ahead and booking to do it all again in December 2009 – booking this far in advance gave us 2 for 1 prices which is great too.  Just hope my back is up to it by then.

Shame Dad won’t be there with us next time… but I think he’d approve of our efforts.