Quel dommage pour La Petite Salle Deux.

Wouldn’t you know it?  BigSal is having a birthday soon and was planning on dragging us all out to one of our favourite BrisVegas restaurants, Two Small Rooms, to celebrate.  We haven’t been there for a while ( though I think Mr K and I went in Apriil last year for our anniversary) and thought a visit was well over due.

Only earlier this week … disaster struck in the form of a drunk and unlicensed driver who lost control of his vehicle and totalled Two Small Rooms…. I mean literally… both of them.  Luckily it happened well before any patrons had arrived for the dinner hour so no one was hurt.

Anyway…  so much for that cunning plan.  Big Sal will have to come up with a "Birthday Plan B" I think.

Tell me what you think