I moved some furniture today. Or rather I had some beefy manly men types move some furniture for me. You should have seen the dust piled up behind my book case where it has sat for the last 8 years. The burgundy carpet was bright and unfaded and the dust was thick and coagulated. Can dust coagulate? I’m not sure it can – but it certainly seem to have some clumping tendencies that brings coagulation to mind. Whatever.
As per usual I’m getting off the topic and definitely rapidly en route to pixie territory (yeah situation normal there). Anyway, we moved the bookcase, there was copious amounts of dust and now I can’t get Kathy Bates playing the maniacal sociopathic Annie Wilkes in ‘Misery’ out of my head. The dust bunnies are coming to get me… I know they’re there now and no doubt also lurking behind other items of furniture that haven’t been moved for ages. I dread to think what it looks like behind my computer desk… ewww dust mites… yukk! 🙁

As you do when you’re having menfolk shuffle the furniture around for you, I totally changed my mind and had them put everything back where it was when we started :S