I think it’s some kind of fish….

Things are supposed to be getting better – we had a new Customer Service Manager starting – hopefully someone with a lot of experience who’ll help sort us out.  Though I’m not sure how having a new manager is going to help immediately – we’re still down about 4 account manager, which means we’re all looking after way too many clients.

Both of my biggest clients have been affected by major cock-ups this week, and while one of them is really cool, would never raise their voices at me and would never think to blame me personally for what’s happening on the floor – the other (Mr Cheque Man) has been yelling abuse at me for a week and a half.  He screams in capital letters at me by email, and has started demanding that they shouldn’t pay for stuff (in fairness, if it were me, I’d have been requesting freebies a couple of weeks ago).

My ridiculously late payslips that have been held up by the printer hard drives crashing, were finally being printed this morning… and printed all wrong.  Images missing and text misaligned so they’ve needed to be done all over again.  I had more cheques that couldn’t be printed due to running out of stock.  Enquiries about the stock levels in the warehouse got me a singularly depressing response that the cheque stock gets used daily and is supposed to be counted daily, but no one has counted the cheque stock for a month due to being down staff in the warehouse too.   So now, even when the system tells me we’ve got 5700 pieces of stock left – we’ve actually got NONE and that means I’m going to be running out of stock constantly and the Grossly Overdue Cheques are likely to become a fixture.  I’ve got another statement run job with a ‘please explain’ hanging over it because it got sent without it’s inserts.  Another of my end of months jobs has been cocked up with some customers getting two bank statements in one envelope – massive confidentiality issues there.   And there is so much going on, I’m way too busy and I spend so much of my day fighting fires – that I am fairly confident I am overlooking little things that are likely to become massive emergencies for me.  So many cock ups and so much seems to happens each day that by Thursday – I’m unable to remember the minutiae of Monday’s issues.

I don’t know what is wrong with the place.  It takes forever to get anything done and I mean forever – 8 hours for data processing to provide a 4 page stat sheet, without which, the cheque finishers sit on a work order all day.  Three days to get some .pdf proofs out of IT – and that’s three days if you’re lucky.  Forget about getting stock counts – I’ve repeatedly requested a stocktake for one client since about Oct 16 to no avail.  I’ve had enough.  I was so stressed this morning by the Cheque Man yelling at me and the payslip nonsense, that I was literally sick to my stomach.

I’m going to have to resign I think – and I feel awful about that.  It’s going to leave them even more in the lurch, and it shits me that I’m actually good at this sort of thing but no matter how hard I work – there’s nothing I can do to be successful at my job.  My managers are all happy with me, and I’m getting loads of positive feedback that I’m doing a great job under the circumstances – but everything feels like it is falling down around me, and I’m coming home stressed out the wa-hoo (still don’t know what a wa-hoo is).

facepalm face palm head desk


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