Wrinkly Sex

Every now and then …. someone around here makes a comment about old people having sex.

And it is usually a comment accompanied by the screwings up of the noses and the makings of distasteful noises.  What’s the deal with that?  Why does the idea of older people having sex seem to make people go ‘ewww!’

Personally I hope I’m getting plenty of Wrinkly Sex in about 40 years or so!  Hell… I can think of nothing worse than going without simply cos I’m old!  More wrinkly sex for the people I think…. geriatric, wrinkly,….. “would-you -like-me-to-take-out-my-teeth-Dear?” sex!!!   I have high hopes for one day living in an ‘assisted living’ environment , and sneaking around avoiding the staff…. having surreptitious liaisons with slightly arthritic old guys who may or may not have a full head of hair and maybe some fabulously large gnarled old hands.  Sigh… 🙂  The idea of it is fantastic!  You wouldn’t have to remember their names – they’d just assume you’re senile….  no one would be casting nasturiums on your character – cos no one gives a shit about your virtue!!!  Who cares?  You’re old!!!    And all this in addition to the benefits of being able to sit around and shock your grandkids with stories of what you got up to when you were a young’n!!!  That’s so gonna be loads of fun!!!!

Bring on the ‘fuck-tons’ of Kinky Wrinky Sex I say!


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