Shootings and bombings and

I remembered some other things I will and will not miss about Turkey……

Thıngs I wıll mıss about Turkey…

The call to prayer echoıng across the cıty…

Thıngs I wont mıss about Turkey…

The call to prayer echoıng across the cıty… at 4:30am!!!

Last day in iSTANBUL today and we are all going our separate ways today –  

Karen, our fearless leader and cleaner uperer of Gallipoli, is off to Poland next to start doing tour leading in Eastern Europe for the summer.  Cant imagine leading people around places I have never been to before – not really my thing I think.  So she is doing Polanad, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania etc for the next few months…

Addie left for Thessalonki *(sp??) on the overnight train last night, loaded up with Fruit Tingles, and is doing Greece, Eastern Europe and then Spain and Morrocco before heading back home to the US…

Bonnie and Ebony are off to do the Black Sea Coast before returning to New York and Perth respectively….  Bonnie is looking foward to more carpet shopping I think.  And Ebbie has finally taken someone seriously about dressing conservatively in Eastern Turkey cos lord knows nothing we have said have kept the midriff covered!!!

Bob is off to Frankfurt and then Berlin before heading to do Eastern Europe too before coming back to the Gold Coast where he spends his days surfing…

Hailey (dont think I’ve mentioned Hailey before – Hailey is Canadian, from Alberta, plays mummy and daddy off against each other to milk them for interesting study trips.  Hailey is also rather cute and dresses inappropriately for her environment and then bitches about getting so much unwanted attention!)  is off to go study in Ankara for a semester before returning to Canada-da….

Estie is off to India where she plans on being vegetarian for the duration in the hope of avoiding the Delhi Belly and then is rounding up her travel in Australia before heading back to NZ.  Hopefully she will come visit Bris on her way through to Auckland…  

Gina and Dandenong Dan are off to Eastern Europe too (seems to be the done thing this year) before heading off to Peru of all places.  He does wood sculpture and she is some sort of astrologer so we figure they must be financing their travels by selling dope back home!!!  🙂  Cant back that up but….. seems logical to us!

Then there’s Grace who is the only person, other than Nick, who came to Turkey just for this trip and is heading straight home to Philadelphia when she’s done in Istanbul….

and I am off to Pakistan… where the fun never stops!  Last Thursday night,9 people were shot dead on their way back to the military base in Quetta…. the same base where Major Dazzles lives and the same base I am going to go stay at myself tomorrow!!!  So they’ve had two seperate bombing incidents in Quetta last week and now shootings this week…. fun for the whole family I say!!!  Bloody hell whose stupid idea was this???

PS :  Please dont anyone tell my Mum about these news reports until I get home!

Tell me what you think