Mac Guy vs PC Guy

A number of customers at work lately have mentioned ‘those MAC and PC’ ads lately when I’ve asked them to turn off the UAC in their Vista machines. Not wanting to sound like I’ve been living in a hole for the last few months, I’ve done a “Oh yeah, those… they’re clever aren’t they.” (insert smiling and nodding here) type response whenever someone’s bought them up.

Truth is… I haven’t watched free to air TV for a few years now, so had no idea what they were on about. 🙂 Thought I’d have a hunt for them, as Mr K said some of them were kinda amusing. Found a collection of them all in one clip… they are kinda cute. I particularly love the way the PC guy is so geeky… reminds me of Blogography Dave’s geeky Dave  No offence meant Dave!  🙂

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