Ps & Qs

I’m quite enjoying working on the helpdesk, I’ve learnt lots of computer type stuff, and met a bunch of interesting new peoples, and dealing with the public can be so much more palatable from a distance like this instead of over a customer service counter (less BO and demanding snot nosed kids).  The money has been grand, (Turkey…. two weeks today!!!)  and I feel like I’m finally contributing around here (thanks MrK for imposing your agenda on me 🙂  And some of the interactions with the customers are positively fun!

Helpdesk Chickie:   Welcome to Goliath – how can I help you?

Customer:  Oh hello there dear.  My internet doesn’t seem to be working, can you put me onto a technical fellow to help me out?

Helpdesk Chickie:  No problem sir, I should be able to help you, can I ask your username please?

Customer:  is that my email address…. ah there, it’s [email protected].

Helpdesk Chickie:  One moment thanks, and I’ll look the account up for you.   ……    Sir, that account seems to have been closed, I can see in the notes that it was closed about 5 hours ago by the authorized representative.

Customer:  Oh goodness!  Really?  Could you hold the phone there a moment dear and I’ll ask my wife?

Helpdesk Chickie:  Certainly sir.

SweetOldMan walks to a door, knocks politely… “May I open the door Dear?” (pause) “Sorry to bother you Dear, but did you close the internet account today?”…. “Yes I did Dear” from the other room…

Customer:  Oh my!  Well thank you very much for your help, I will call back after I speak to my wife.  I’m terribly sorry to have bothered you.

Helpdesk Chickie:  Not a problem Sir.

And this in stark contrast to a similar call I had last week where a customer discovered their account wasn’t malfunctioning and rather had been suspended… which went something like…..  

What do you mean the internet has been shut off? 
The bill hasn’t been paid?!?!   I’m gonna f#$king kill him! 
He told me he paid the goddamn f#@king bill last week.   
BARRY!!!  Why didn’t you pay the f#@king phone bill?

………and hangs up without saying goodbye.

I think I need to work harder on being a bit more SweetOldMan myself…..

Tell me what you think