Monthly Archives: November 2006
Hand it over.
I was at a coffee shop yesterday and when BigSal got up to go to the bathroom, and there was four women sitting at the next table who were having this discussion about what ‘bits’ they found attractive in men.
One of them, Ms Gregarious UncomfortableShoes was adamant that she looks for a nice butt in a guy, and that she’s found herself mesmerized watching guys walk in the street if she thought they had a great arse…. predictable thinks I… lots of chicks seem have a thing for arses though, personally I know not why.
Another, Ms LaughsTooLoud and OrangeIsn’tReallyHerColour chimes in with a whimsical insistence that it’s all in their eyes for her… that she likes kind eyes and says you can tell so much about a man from looking into his eyes…. my internal monologue starts with the vomit noises at this disclosure… I’d put money on her being a Whitney Huston fan….. or or , maybe even Mariah! 😐 Where’s BigSal, come rescue me from this drivel!
Ms BigHaired Hasn’tGrownUpAsMuchAsHerFriends tries to shock them with a description of how she likes guys with big scholongs, and how you never know what you’re gonna get until it’s too late story, cos sometimes “the skinny ones have more than you’d expect you know” and a run down on the well worn correlation to feet size gambit, causing her friends look askance at each other…. nice little bit of oversharing there luvvy!
Last chickie, Ms PrimNProper WhiteSlacks says she just likes really handsome men, with chiselled good looks, and (dont get this) cant resist a guy in a chucky knit wool sweater!…. what the? Hmmm… yeah, visions of smelly fisherman’s jumpers … dead sexy… though I think her picture probably involved designer label jeans and expensive deck shoes….
Anyway, got me thinking…. what sorts of things do i find initially attractive in men… Normally the first thing I tend to notice i think is someone’s eyes. but largely just to see if there’s something in there ticking away behind ’em 🙂 Next is probably what they have to say… am far more engaged by what someone has to say than what they look like, helps a lot if there’s an off kilter sense of humour, and an interesting intellect … oh and bonus if there’s a deep masculine voice attached… some men have voices that just resonate with you for some reason… hmmm. Vin Diesel Voice!!! 😉
Other than that, I like hands. 😐 I’m not sure I can verbalize what I like about mens hands, but I do know that I always tend to look at them… a lot, and I find men particularly attractive who appear to have large capable looking hands. Not sure why that is… but hands are something that I always check out. (Shrug?) I like the way the way my hands feel tiny in someone else’s (which they kinda are), and it absolutely turns me on to have my hands softly played with and carressed!! Hmmm… Something totally sensuous and purely erotic about that one! In the past I’ve had occasions where I’ve just looked at some man’s hands and wanted get naked with him so I can just feel his hands on my skin! Didn’t matter what the rest of him is doing/saying… That’s a little weird right? :S
Little Miss Sunshine
Went to the movies last night with LP (my pick this time). We went to see Little Miss Sunshine, which turned out to be a fantastic and fun movie. I laughed a lot which was just what the doctor ordered.
It was a quirky and amusing movie about a rather dysfunctional family who hit the road to get the youngest member of the family to the Little Miss Sunshine Pageant in California. Along the way they have several mishaps which would be reminiscent of a National Lampoon film, were they not so ‘real’ somehow. The characters and the film had a solid cast (Greg Kinnear, Tony Collette, Steve Carrell, Aaron Arkin and introduced us to the precocious Abigail Breslin) all of whom were great, and you could warm to them and understand them, while at the same time want to slap them around the head! I particularly love the Grandpa, who was a bit of a dirty old man was definitely in that “I don’t give a shit what people think anymore” stage of his life.
I especially enjoyed the statement at the end of the film about just how much adult-like behaviour is suitable at a kids beauty pageant, and how much is just going too far. Never liked them much – and especially not since seeing this picture on Dave2’s blog over at Blogography (http://www.blogography.com/index.html ) Dave calls them Dead Hooker Babies, which seems fair enough when you see this image. Don’t know if it’s just Sepos or what – but they are doing strange things to sexualize their children with these beauty contests.

Fantasies or lack thereof…
Am I the only person on the planet who doesn’t have a rich and vivid fantasy life? From everything I’ve been reading and from what I observe in just the people around me, everyone seems to fantasize about other people, situations and experiences than what they have.
In the past, whenever I’ve wanted someone, I usually just set about having them. I’ve never pined for situations or experiences or created little dramas in my head. If I ever wanted to try something new, I just went ahead and did it. Having said that, I guess I’ve never felt the need to go for the swinging from the chandeliers kinda stuff…. just seems superfluous to me. I’ve usually been up to trying new things, and have certainly pushed my boundaries out of my comfort zone over the last few years, so much so, that I have had to redefine my likes and dislikes a bit. But I don’t fantasize about things, I don’t fixate of objects, have no real fetishes to speak of and rarely feel like the objects of my desires are taboo or out of reach. Is it because I have so few hang ups? Maybe if I had more secrets? guilt? shame? or furtiveness associated with my sexuality, I would have dirty little fantasies too.
Either way, I am starting to feel like I am really missing out on something here. The people around me are indulging in these intense, powerful and graphic fantasies, while here I am, ‘literally’ just looking on bemused trying to analyze what was driving them rather than being engaged by it all.
Am I boring or just somehow too grounded in reality?