Spring war wine tour!!!

I have had an amazing weekend away this weekend. Mr K drove me to TBA, so I could car pool with MD to Spring War. We all went out to see Serenity, with the SFV in tow, and I was glad to get the chance to see it before we went away for the weekend. The drive down was uneventful, I always enjoy having time to talk with MD, and he is a great conversationalist. I may have got a speeding ticket on the way down though – time will tell!

Once we got there it didn’t take long to get all settled, so we got a head start on the drinking! It was a good opportunity to get to know the RH crew a lot better, as we camped right beside them. God it was bloody cold on Friday night though – I am going to have to remember never to take an air mattress to cold events! (I said the same thing after last festival!)

Saturday turned out to be a fantastic day. Myself and a small gang of people ambivbalent about the fighting jumped in a couple of cars and hit the Hunter Valley Wineries. We left around 9am, and by the time we got back just after lunch, we were half cut having done half a dozen wineries and checked out a couple of cheese shops, a fudge place and a chocolate place. Lots of testing wines (feels strange to be drinking port by 11am!) and loads of yummy cheeses and gourmet pates etc. We purchased a whole pile of delicious tidbits to have that night after dinner. I will remember this night for a long time. We had dinner (got asked to join the King’s table but respectfully decline – we were having too much fun hanging out with the plebs! After dinner, there was lots of port and then late night cheesy goodness munchies with MrC, RtV, ABK, MD and myself.

Sunday was fun too even though I was a little hung over and a lot sleep deprived, I spent most of the day hanging out with Cindy and Lorcan’s wife, which was good. I often get along really well with Cindy, even though we aren’t particularly close friends. Sunday night was good fun too, had dinner with MD, Agro&Wife, HdM, Bug and Kazz.

Spent Sunday night getting ridiculously drunk with RaCeY and Macca… which made getting up the next morning extremely difficult!  Packed up and started the drive home very very hung over…. Probably wasn’t great company on the way home if memory serves!

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