Jazzwhals a Narwhals Remix by Weebl… I was thinking are the narwhals ever going to stop, but now I’m getting kinda fond of them Don’t think this version will work with the Mongolian lyrics though… way too laid back and not aggressive enough for Mongols.
Tag Archives: narwhals
What came first – the narwhal or the bacon?
Narwhals have been slowly invading my life. It started out as a bit of a joke… just an earworm that got stuck in my head while I was writing an essay on Mongols which I wrote about here. Now, everyday people land here after searching any number of the following narwhalesque search terms:
narwhals song
narwhals narwhals
how are narwhals born
narwhals song lyrics
narwhals images
cartoon narwhals… and so on and so forth.
Actually I don’t want to think too much about how narwhals are born… do they have those horns at birth? Or do they grow as they mature? I shudder to think. Anyway, now I’ve got friends sending me links to Narwhals stuff now… there’s the Reddit Coat of Arms which of course prominently features both narwhals and bacon –
A friend sent me a link to some narwhal jewelry! There’s earrings, necklaces, brooches, hair clips, jewelry holders and a whole industry of narwhal fashion accessories cropping up out there –
I even found some strange hand painted narwhal shoes. Because that’s what a girl really needs…narwhals on your shoes, so when you’re walking along strutting your stuff, you can look down and think about strange horned sea mammals.
But the best thing I’ve found so far are these – NARWHAL FINGER PUPPETS! I gotta get me some of these for me, and everyone I know! Currently available on eBay… 156 sold so far, get ’em while they’re hot!
Research essay on Mongols causes earworm!
I’ve had a request for a stupid song I got stuck in my head back in July 2010 when I was writing a research essay on the 13th Century travel writings of William of Reubruck when ventured into the Mongolian courts of the Great Khan. At the time I had only just recovered from Weebl’s Somalia song which haunted me at Festival that year and had moved onto the Narwhals song which had gotten stuck in my head really badly for night on a month. Well, at great inconvenience to the management, I have found the Mongols/Nahwhals song that I thought was lost in the great FB scorched earth event of Jan 2011. The lyrics go with this song… feel free to listen to it at your own risk! It is ridiculously annoying, incredibly contagious and ridiculously persistent. Depending on how you look at it, it’s one of the best/worst earworms ever!
Mongols! Mongols! Living in Karakorum
Causing a commotion Coz they are so awesome
Mongols! Mongols! Living in Karakorum
Lots of men and lots of might
They’ll burn your village in the night
Like the devil’s horde they swarm
Drunk on mare’s milk since they’re born
They’re on a bloody killing spree
Try hard to bargain to get free!
Mongols! They are Mongols!
Just don’t let them touch your balls
Mongols! They are Mongols!
Mongols! Inventors of the stupid yurt!
PS: Yale… I hunted through 51,333 comments on this video to find this stupid song!!!
Original lyrics:
Narwhals! Narwhals!
Swimming in the ocean
Causing a commotion
Because they are so awesome
Narwhals! Narwhals!
Swimming in the ocean
Pretty big and pretty white
They’d beat a polar bear in a fight
Like an underwater unicorn
They’ve got a kickass facial horn
They’re the Jedi of the sea
They stop Chthulu eating ye
Narwhals… they are narwhals!
Just don’t let them touch your balls
Narwhals they are narwhals
Inventors of the shish kebab!