Must be an excellent conversationalist , have vast life experience and plenty of interesting/appalling tales with which to regale his dinner companions. Ability to easily converse on numerous topics, including (but not limited to): movies, international politics, psychology, BDSM, religion, tyres, music, historical embroidery, mushroom recipes, art galleries, medieval history, books, technology, photography, tequila, travel,tattooing, unemployment, and Izzardisms will be considered a bonus. A fine appreciation of the absurd, a combattive verbal style and a tendency towards a dry/sarcastic sense of humor also required. Prefer… a not too fussy eater who comes with nice dry reds. References may be required. 😉 Apply via email… all bribes accepted.
Yep, I think we need a new Dinner Monkey. I’ve barely had 2 or 3 dinner parties in the last 12 months since my Dinner Monkey left town… who would have thought he’d be so difficult to replace! I imagine there would be any number of willing and available bachelor types (you know guys… who don’t/can’t cook) out there prepared to be the entertainment for the evening in return for a home cooked meal… but alas…. this seems not to be the case. 🙂
Perhaps my previous Dinner Monkey, MD, set the bar a little too high huh? HdM has tried to valiantly to fill the vacant Dinner Monkey shoes, but is soon to come with time consuming girlfriend attachment, so not so useful a Dinner Monkey as one might hope for!!! lol
