I saw this going around a couple of weeks ago on intial viewing I thought this meme was a bit redundant for me. I have a tendency to speak my mind, in fact if you take some people’s word for it… it’s pretty damn hard to shut me up on topics that I have strong opinions about.
However I have realized that there are things I should like to say to certain people in my life that thus far remain unsaid and I was reminded of an elegant quote –
(Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896).

Being so forthright, honest and outspoken as I have just claimed to be, I don’t really ever want to be in that position if you know what I mean. So I have pretty much flogged this meme from just about everyone… including Avitable, SnackiePoo and the fabulous Faiqa of Native Born fame… and I will have a go at trying to limit myself to merely 10 items.
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say or That I Should Say to Certain People:
1. While I know I disappointed you from time to time, I hope you were proud of me in the end.
2. Your acceptance of me as the flawed creature that I am is quite simply the most important thing in the world to me.
3. You let me down when I was at my lowest and I needed you the most which demonstrates how little you think of me and how selfish you can be.
4. It’s time to move on and make decisions for yourself based on what YOU want rather than based on what others want.
5. The way you compartmentalize your life makes it hard for people to trust you and your inability to be more open and honest hurt very deeply.
6. I don’t have time for your petty crap, I have so many problems of my own that I’m barely keeping my head above water.
7. I’ve made my own life choices and am happy with them so please spare me your sanctimonious lectures.
8. I’ve tried as hard as I can to salvage our relationship but after a decade of trying you still won’t meet me half way so I’ve given up.
9. It would be nice if once in a while you got your head out of your own arse long enough to ask me if I’m okay.
10. I hate asking for your help almost as much as I hate needing it.