And that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic.

I saw this going around a couple of weeks ago on intial viewing I thought this meme was a bit redundant for me.  I have a tendency to speak my mind, in fact if you take some people’s word for it… it’s pretty damn hard to shut me up on topics that I have strong opinions about. 

However I have realized that there are things I should like to say to certain people in my life that thus far remain unsaid and I was reminded of an elegant quote –

"The bitterest tear shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone"
(Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896).  

Being so forthright, honest and outspoken as I have just claimed to be, I don’t really ever want to be in that position if you know what I mean.  So I have pretty much flogged this meme from just about everyone… including Avitable, SnackiePoo and the fabulous Faiqa of Native Born fame… and I will have a go at trying to limit myself to merely 10 items.

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say or That I Should Say to Certain People:

1.  While I know I disappointed you from time to time, I hope you were proud of me in the end.
2.  Your acceptance of me as the flawed creature that I am is quite simply the most important thing in the world to me.
3.  You let me down when I was at my lowest and I needed you the most which demonstrates how little you think of me and how selfish you can be.
4.  It’s time to move on and make decisions for yourself based on what YOU want rather than based on what others want.
5.  The way you compartmentalize your life makes it hard for people to trust you and your inability to be more open and honest hurt very deeply.
6.  I don’t have time for your petty crap, I have so many problems of my own that I’m barely keeping my head above water.
7.  I’ve made my own life choices and am happy with them so please spare me your sanctimonious lectures.
8.  I’ve tried as hard as I can to salvage our relationship but after a decade of trying you still won’t meet me half way so I’ve given up.
9.   It would be nice if once in a while you got your head out of your own arse long enough to ask me if I’m okay.
10.  I hate asking for your help almost as much as I hate needing it.

Awe-inspiring? Yeah right.

You Are An ENTJ
The Executive

You are a natural leader – with confidence and strength that inspires others.  Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.

Sometimes you aren’t the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.  You are not easily intimidated – and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence.

In love, you hold high standards… for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other.
While it’s easy for you to impress others, it’s hard for you to find someone who impresses you.

At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals.
You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant.

How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective
When other people don’t get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing

Snavelled from abeekay .  I think I’ve done at least half a dozen of these Myers Briggs tests and I akways come out with ENTJ.  So I suppose it must be true….

I’m a Skunk furry!

Furries are a wee little subculture I don’t even pretend to understand.  Especially the ones that carry their proclivities into their sexual lives, complete with their own porn and everything!  Getting all dressed up in a full sized fur costume and rubbing up against other fur suited peoples?  The mind boggles… I once saw a video clip of a woman who’d put a strap-on onto a man sized Bugs Bunny and then.. well I think you can guess the rest.

Personally I just don’t see the appeal at all – I honestly just don’t get it.  I don’t find the concept at all attractive or arousing or even amusing.  But I admit that anthropologically speaking I do find it kinda interesting – What motivates these people?  How is it that they’ve come to fancy Furries?  Do they have shared childhood experiences that lead them to Furry lifestyles?  Are they mostly comfortable with their Furriness?  Or are they embarrassed or guilty in their Furry habits?  I don’t know.

We had a Fur and Feathers party here a few years ago which was just a bit of  a lark and done partly because we were getting desperate for fancy dress themes that we hadn’t previously exhausted (SCA people strangely enough have LOTS of themed fancy dress parties).  It was a fun night and I was quite surprised at how many of our friends had never heard of Furry Fandom and never seen any strange arse Furry porn (and no I’m not linking you to porn – Furry or otherwise – from my journal!).  Many of them honestly didn’t even know it was a fetish thing for a select percentage of the community… Rule 34 applies now and for always, people!!!

So I asked a couple of people (males) in idle conversations recently what sort of Furry they’d be IF they were into that sort of thing (which none of them were for the record)… 2 out of three of my respondents said ‘WOLF’ and the remaining person chose a CAT.  Naturally working on the presumption that if I’ve thought of it then it’s probably already out there I went and found a What Kind of Furry Am I quiz?  My result?

You are a Skunk!

Skunks are a bit quieter and more reserved than some of the “popular” species,
But you don’t need all that flair. After all, charm like yours is hard to come by.

Skunk?!?!?  Oh no way!  I totally wanted to be an OTTER… so I can swim around mingling with the other otters and floating about blowing aiir into my fur and eating clams all day. 😛   Then again perhaps I’m being hasty – there’s always Pepe le Pew… and he’s one damn hot skunk!!!  :p

cat otter mouse skunky furry culture

PS: Being a furry Mouse is dead sexy!

Pfft! What do they know.

I had a pretty crappy week last week. My back was unbearably flared up after my birthday and I was not feeling at all well… which was no doubt fairly evident from the postings I’ve been making. Anyway a friend sent me one of those silly internet meme things about what “Tarot Card Are You” and after I answered the questions it told me I was the Devil!!!

You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession. The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really “Satan” at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild – or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

I didn’t post it because well

  1. I’m pretty sure I’m not the Devil,
  2. I was curious if I gained this less than flattering result due to being in a lot of pain/taking lots of drugs and
  3. because I’m fairly confident it’a all a pile of BS anyway. 

But it stayed open in my browser all week and when I saw it just now I thought I’d do the silly test again now that my back has largely settled back down to it’s normal levels of pain and discomfort  (which isn’t to say the pain’s gone… it’s just back to what I consder ‘bearable’ or ‘normal’… yeah my normal sucks).  So now things had calmed somewhat I was sure that my usual sweet and charming disposition would be reflected in my answers and I would get a different and lovely result telling me I was ‘The Moon’ or something equally feminine and lovely…here was my result on reanswering the questionnaire…

You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession. The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.


It’s the bubbles of nothing that make it really something.

After last night’s late night slightly tipsy nissed as a pewt ramblings I thought I would lay low and say nothing of any consequence.  One could argue that is my normal MO anyway… and I’d be forced to agree for the most part.  So what do you write about when you don’t really want to write and risk putting one’s foot even further in one’s mouth?  Why you write about nothing.  And the best way to write about nothing?  Snavel a meme from somewhere (in this case from Kapgar the Great).

Four of Whatever

  • Four family members:
    Mum, Mr K, The Small Child and Caesar
  • Four places that I go to over and over:
    School, Grocery Store, Mums and Borders
  • Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
    Mr K, Yale, Stanzi and Equinom
  • Four of my favorite places to eat:
    Sushi Train, 2Small Rooms, Ahmets and the Courthouse
  • Four places I would rather be right now:
    Carcassone, Tuscany, Tassie or in someone else’s body
  • Four TV shows I watch over and over:
    West Wing, Firefly, The Big Bang Theory and Veronica Mars
  • Four things in the room I’m in:
    Dictionary, 4 computers, Estfahan rug and a sleeping dog.
  • Four concerts I’ve been to:
    Pavarotti, Megadeath, Rod Stewart and Cat Empire
  • Four things on my calendar:
    Doctors appts, Birthdays, Bill reminders and people’s Travel plans
  • Four fears:
    Eternal pain, snakes, solitude and failure.
  • Four things in your purse or wallet:
    License, Paris Metro map, Boarding pass stub to Islamabad and receipts.
  • Four chores you hate doing: (mostly pain related dislike)
    Grocery shopping, washing dishes, vacuuming and cleaning showers.
  • Four favorite animals:
    Otters, fairy penguins, monkeys and meerkats
  • Four speed dials on your cell phone:
    Mr K, Yale, BigSal and Mum
  • Four favorite pieces of jewelry:
    Engagement ring, Fish pendant, Starfish and Tourmaline ring
  • Four Web sites you visit:
    Google Reader, Youtube, Wikipedia,
  • Four people who have been in your car:
    Bluddy Mary, SirPhil, Surly and the Spoto Boys
  • Four things you are looking forward to:
    Zombie Stripper Movie Night, the Cirque du Soleil, Festival and Winter
  • Four favorite types of candy:
    Fruit Tingles, Snakes, Koolmints and yoghurt covered almonds.
  • Four things found in your fridge:
    Pomegrante jam, 10 types of cheese, Kangaroo roast and vodka.
  • Four rituals you do daily:
    Heatpack and tea in AM, check e-mail, muesli for brekkie, drugs before bed.
  • Four things currently within reach:
    Das Keyboard, iPod sock, Waterman pen and Valium prescription
  • Four things you know how to cook:
    Chicken parmigana, Saffron Risotto, Lasagne and Vanilla bean

    crème brulee

  • Four Halloween costumes you’ve worn:
    I dunno. Never really did Halloween things  😐

Yes dear, you may offer one thing that is very interesting, two things that are a little interesting or three things that are very dull indeed.  Restricting oneself to Four things in some of these categories is harder than you think.  Four things within reach – well if anyone else has a desk anywhere near as covered in stuff as mine then there must be a hundred items within reach… none of which make any sense when catalogued.