There was debris everywhere man!

I am inexplicably bothered by the never ceasing accrual of files on my desktop – it annoys my anal retentive inner self so much that I am repeatedly finding myself sorting through it and deleting stuff. …. and I mean continuously … weekly sometimes daily looking at stuff and deciding if I need to keep it, and could it be better stored elsewhere.   It’s a total mystery to me how it accumulates at all, given my obsessive-compulsive habitual and frequent sorting of the dastardly detritus that determinedly despoils my desktop!

How does it multiply like that…. one day all neat and polite on the left, and then two days later… .shit everywhere…. obscuring the wallpaper….  which you’ve no doubt ascertained is it’s main offense.

Am I the only desktop obsessed little freaker out there who can’t let the week go by without having a cleanup?  Does anyone else jump on their friend’s PCs only to visibly twitch if nearly half the screen is taken up with annoying little file icons?   How can I overcome this ridiculous neurosis???  😐

henry viii hawaiian shirt

Clean up … :)

Everynow and then I go to clean up my desk top and find the most random and obscure things that I’ve saved there and then just forgotten about.  Some of it I can’t remember being sent or downloading, so it feels like it just ‘appears’ there.  🙂  I mean this image for example… I must have found it somewhere… or have someone I can blame for sending it to me…  but I’m not sure when it appeared and I’m not sure why I’ve kept it!

Maybe having a scattered or messy desktop is just a sign of a creative mind right?  Or is it far more likely to be a sign of early onset senility   :S  I think I’ll start posting some more of the strange and random pics that turn up on my desktop… promise not to post anything that wouldn’t sneak in under an (R) rating!  🙂