Haven’t been putting much down of late… probably because I’m a bit overwhelmed with the complete cluster fuck that is going on around me at the moment…. house… uni… family… it’s all too much I tell you! Something’s going to blow!
The house is in a general state of chaos and has been for over 12 weeks now. This extension is going to be grand once it’s completed but at the moment all I can see is a big old mess. As anyone who knows me will attest, this means that I’m basically having to force myself to not look and am working really hard at the whole not twitching thing… and this is quite difficult for someone who colour codes her sewing cottons, stores her movies alphabetically and her medicines by type, can’t go to bed at night unless her bed is made, hates seeing dirty dishes left in the sink or left over food covered in glad wrap in the fridge or wet towels on the bathroom floor or… or… or… I could go on all day about the things that make me twitch.
Then of course I decided to go back to uni just for some distraction because I’m climbing the walls being home by myself all day with only back pain for company. Concept was solid – but I am wondering whether dumping a study schedule onto myself was a wise thing to do given that most days I wake up feeling like I don’t have the energy to withstand the pain of getting out of bed.
Being back at school is okay I can’t say honestly say that I’m enjoying the lectures – the seats are crap and being sedentary for longer than about 20 mins is NOT making my back very happy at all. So I’ve been chewing down more analgesics than I was a few weeks ago and the only way I seem to be able to ignore the increase in pain is to madly type notes for the duration. At about 90wpm I’m just about getting the lectures down verbatim but when i go to get up I’ve nearly fallen over a few times and I can hardly walk. 🙁 Not so sure this is a sustainable plan… time will tell.
Other than all that –
Dr Nick… here is picture of bike as promised – ZZR250 and it’s kinda pinky red which is so me.
Sorry don’t have a photo of the Walden Miller custom leather jacket that actually fits Borys’ heaving bossoms… yet

The blue ZZR600 in the back belongs to Yale… and there’s no bees on it yet but it’s just a matter of time I suppose 😉