Zelda corrupts entirely..

The only downside of being away for the weekend is missing Angel.  I miss my daily Angel cuddles, and I miss his little smiles in the morning, and I really miss his cute little voice.  So when I came home tonight and was so looking forward to seeing him and having a catch up chat to hear what silly things he had been up to for the weekend … I was quite disconcerted when he had nothing to talk to me about except his GameCube.  He’s been a pretty avid little Zelda fan, but lately he’s been a little on the obsessed side about the whole GameCube thing … and it seems to be getting worse… a lot worse.   I was quite literally unable to get any conversation out of him tonight other than stuff about his GameCube – it was all he wanted to talk about.  Even after I asked him multiple leading questions and then told him repeatedly that I didn’t want to talk about the silly GameCube.   He’s only allowed to play with it on weekends nowadays, as I think it probably distracts him when he’s at school – he’s certainly got a short attention span for things that don’t stimulate him as much as video games do – which is a real worry in itself. 

Sigh.. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at his slightly compulsive behaviour considering I acknowledge I have a number of compulsive behaviours myself.  I am just not sure what to do about it… I would prefer to deal with the dilemma by throwing the damn thing in the bin.  But it seems a bit unnecessarily cruel to get rid of his favourite solitary pursuit given that he’s an only child, and has no one to play with most of the time. 

I am wondering how you teach a small child moderation…

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