borys in the WoW

I came home from an exhausting weekend in Canberra, and found something rather distressing….  in my absence, Mr K had been introducing my little man to the World of Warcraft.  I am not sure how I feel about this new and possibly detrimental influence on his young developing mind.  Who knows what the effect of being immersed in this sort of fantasy world can have on a young child’s psychological development.  I mean computer games for the most part seem fairly innocuous, right??? 

Also, equally distressing is the character they’ve created… it’s some sort of elf thing, and (really not pleased about this bit) they called it borysSNORC.  😐  So now it turns out I have a WoW presence, even though I’ve never even seen the damn game!  I was a bit pissed off at first – they shouldn’t be going around using someone else’s moniker… that’s just not cricket.   I’ve been using the borysSNORC nickname since some it was first given to me back in about ’92 and strangely enough, I’ve never had a problem signing up new email addresses or ID using that name.  Is it overreacting to get a bit bent out of shape about someone else using it?  I don’t know… feels kinda stupid to be bothered, but at the same time, I’m a bit pissed off.  I don’t want to be known as a WoW afficianado .  Maybe they’ll get bored with it and delete the whole thing.

I guess the Readers Digest version of this whinge is this – if you see me running around the World of Warcraft (I know the world has a name, but f@#ked if I know what it is) …. it’s not me!!!!

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