Tournament of the Rising Razorback – Ynys Fawr

Unto the mighty and magnificent populace of Lochac does King Niáll and Queen Sabine send fond greetings.

We send you this missive from Our delightful southern Barony of Ynys Fawr, where this weekend We have had the pleasure of enjoying excellent company and very fine hospitality. It was also Our very particular honour to admit Sir Guillame d’Oze to the Order of the Pelican, as well as seeing many fine local gentles recognised for their various skills and services.

Thank you, Ynys Fawr for a truly marvellous weekend. Our congratulations to Sir Oze and the stewards and cooks of the Tournament of the Rising Razorback, and their teams.

Yours in Service to Lochac

Niáll & Sabine.

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