Call for Crown Tourney Combatants

Unto the fair and far-flung Populace of Lochac does Niáll and Sabine send warmest Greetings!

It feels but yesterday that We stood up as your rightful King and Queen, yet it is already time for Us to start seeking Our Heirs. We are therefore minded to call for Letters of Intent from those wishing to contest November Crown which is being held at Stowe on the Wald, in the Barony of Rowany. These letters serve as a formal introduction of Yourself and Your Consort.

For those that would contest the Crown – Let it be known, that We have been informed by the Baronies of Ynys Fawr, Southron Gaard and Mordenvale, that they soon intend to go to poll with a view to potentially handing over to their chosen Successors during the next reign.

We specifically request that all combatants do their utmost to present themselves on the field with a consistent heraldic presence in keeping with their persona, and with well-maintained armour that is in proper and goodly working order (Please, no visible mundanity, such as tape etc). Should there be any queries about these requirements, please feel free to contact Us.

Please address your Letters of Intent to: [email protected] and be ensure to include the name and contact details of yourself and your consort. We will respond to each letter received, so if you have received no response within a couple of days, please resend your missive.

We are prepared to receive Letters no later than October 25th; the List of combatants will be published shortly thereafter.

Yours in Service to the Crown and Kingdom of Lochac

Niáll & Sabine


Greetings good populace on this Most Auspicious Monday morning. We do hope you All have had a wonderful weekend, filled with eventing and crafting and fighting!

As many of you may have seen, on October 19, 2019, the following change to Corpora was approved:

Corpora IV.B.1. – Royalty Qualifications

Each competitor in a Royal List must be fighting for a prospective consort.

We welcome this change to Corpora and remind you all that Letters of Intent to contest the Crown of Lochac at the upcoming Crown tournament being held at Stowe on the Wald are due in by October 25th.

Yours in Service to the Crown of Lochac,

Niall & Sabine

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