Spring War – Mordenvale

Unto the now peaceful, but perpetually pleasant Populace of Lochac do Niáll and Sabine send warm Greetings!

It is with hearts filled with friendship and heads filled with new memories that We return to Our respective lands after an eventful Spring War – the Queen to Our fine estates in the North; the King to Our political heart in the South.

Firstly, We bring glad tidings that His Excellency, Sir Rufus is once more in true and proper fealty to the Crown! Suitable taxes have been promised. Bread has been broke, and all is once again well in the Kingdom. The mysterious wars that keep breaking out at this time of year are once again at bay.

Further We have had the honour and the privilege of seeing the Good Sirs Rowland Bridgeford and Henri de Montferrant admitted to the right noble Order of the Pelican – each for their many years of outstanding service which has always been such a bounty to their households, their baronies and to the benefit of Our Kingdom. We send Our heartfelt Congratulations to the Masters Henri and Rowland.

It was also Our pleasure to announce that Lochac’s ‘Great Matter’ has been finalised in accordance with the Populace’s wishes, and the Crown Events date changes are to be implemented as of November Crown 2020. The upcoming Seneschal’s missive in Pegasus will contain more details on this Great Matter.

After such a wonderful event, We needs must thank Our wonderful hosts, the Barony of Modenvale. To Their Excellencies, Sigrid and Ulf, the stewards, cooks and event team – We would say ‘Thank you!’ and ‘Huzzah! Well done!’ From the excellent site accommodations and the very entertaining Mordenvale Þing, to the fabulous night markets and the simply marvellous Queen’s High Cheese! Such a wonderful event was enjoyed by all. We extend Our thanks and congratulations to the many hands involved in such an amazing event.

Yours in Service to the Crown of Lochac.
Niáll & Sabine

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