Blue Man Group FTW!

Holy snapping duck shit! So that’s what it would look like if a Trinidad steel band crossed with a Samoan tribal drum team had huge timpani drums, a fast paced eclectic style, were weighed down by electronics, lights, pipes, cameras, and harnesses, then covered in fluorescent paints and luminescent paraphernalia and given a metric fuckton of speed!


The Blue Man Group (right downstairs in the Monte Carlo) are an auditory and visual overload from the moment they hit the stage. It’s big, it’s in your face, it’s unapologetically critical of modern society, culture and high tech living, and yet utilizes every one of these modern phenomena (and more) to engage with the audience.



There’s always so much going on, so much to look at and take in. Thankfully there are many mimed interludes that involve lots of audience participation that slows things down and allows your senses a respite from the onslaught of stimuli… else I think a full two hours of it would see everyone leaving the theatre with eyes like saucers and twitching like meth freaks!

Highly recommended. And as a bonus, one of the staff there said they are about to launch a major Aussie tour!! 🙂

Tell me what you think