$1500 Buys You a Lot of Silence

Peace and quiet hath finally been restored to Azerbaijan and all is quiet on the Northern Front.  Hur-fucking-rah!   And all it took was two charges from the QPS – one of Threatening Violence and one of Willful Destruction of Property – and a Letter of Breach of Conduct from the Dept of Communities and a follow up Notice of Eviction.  Oh and a court ordered Peace and Good Behaviour Bond which stipulates that the neighbour must not have any contact with us, interfere with our property or comes onto or remain on our property, lest he risk being fined $1500.  Doesn’t seem enough to me, but given he’s unemployed and is living in a Housing Commission home… correction, is soon to be homeless… it probably seems like quite a lot.

noisy neighbors bondage tape bdsm abuse

Back on the 6th of May when Daleyacunt was railing indignantly at us for having the audacity to call the police while he was beating on his wife and his children were crying in fear in distress, the swarmy bastard yelled at us: ‘why doncha write anuva fuckin’ letta ya stupid fuckin’ cunts, yer good at that!’ and I remember thinking to myself, ‘Oh, don’t worry, petal.  I have every intentions of doing so, only this one won’t be addressed to you.’  Having been enjoined so earnestly to write a letter, how could I refuse?   I wrote to the Dept of Communities and given Daleyacunt, who shall henceforth be known as ,the Defendant, was being charged with Threatening Violence and Willful Destruction of Property, the representives of the Housing office took the matter very seriously indeed and acted as swiftly as their bureaucratic red tape allowed. The Defendant now has less than 10 days remaining to vacate the property and with the Peace and Good Behaviour Bond in place, I anticipate the next noise disturbances we hear from next door will be him and his mates yelling each other as they try to tetris his bar fridge, garden tools and wife beating equipage onto the back of a ute.

We are very glad, and relived, that the bureaucracies processes in place had our back on this occasion instead of holding things up for a change (and so very odd to be praising the Qld Police Service while conconurrently raging at Qld Police Service’s Weapons Licensing Branch in almost the same breath due to a weird coincidence of timing).  The previously palpable tension around here is all but gone and we are no longer on high alert but just keeping out a steady watch as we wait the days out.  But there is something about this whole mess that is REALLY PISSING ME OFF.

Daleyacunt has been quiet – one could almost say restrained, or well behaved even.  A little bit of passive aggressive nonsense while he was waiting for his court date, but now he’s got a chunky fine hanging over his head, we haven’t heard much from him at all.  Not towards us, not about us, and not even between them, which was previously a daily occurrence at least.  Which means that this absolute moron who has been making our lives miserable for the last six months is quite capable of containing his temper, is aware of what decent neighbourly behaviour is, and is quite capable of restraint when it is required thank you very much.  It’s not that he’s psychologically unstable, it’s not that he’s got anger management issues and it’s not that he’s somehow truly ignorant of how his actions effect others or is, for whatever reason incapable of living any other way… he’s just a monumental prick who doesn’t give a shit about anyone else.  Not until there were repercussions for him personally.  And that really gets my goat.  If they had moved into the house and starting comporting themselves the way they have since his court date, they wouldn’t have bothered anyone at all and we could have all happily co-existed for the next decade without any problem.

What a fucking dickhead.  I can’t wait to see the back of him.


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