Gwar moment.

It feels like a never ending saga.  Since the guy next door was foolish enough to threaten us with violence in front of the police and get himself arrested, things have been relatively quiet on the Northern Front. Likely due to Daleyacunt being on some sort of good behaviour bond until he goes to court.  “Relatively” being the operative word here of course.  Mostly they’ve just switched from full on aggression and threats of violence towards us to passive aggression, and they seem determined to vex us in any way possible.

They’ve still been having their drag ’em down, knock her around arguments, but they’ve been playing loud music to cover up when they are hurling abuse at each other.  Daleyacunt, a man in possession of limited intellectual capacity, honestly doesn’t seem to realize that in doing so, they are merely creating an environment where they have to scream even louder at each other – making themselves ever more audible to their neighbours.   Sigh…

Instead of continuing to threaten to poison our our dog he has taken to taunting poor PuppyGuts with food on the other side of the fence, which sends the poor little guy into a tailspin (almost literally) as he runs back and forth along the fence trying  to get to it.  As far as I can tell, he hasn’t fed Oscar anything else yet, but I’ve had to take to locking Oscar inside (poor thing) for his own protection when ever I go out.

Thus far they appear to have refrained from the continued use of poisons on our garden, but  Dickhead Dale (yes, I’m getting sick of the endearing nickname his girlfriend has bestowed upon him) is still turning on that leaf blower at stupid o’clock in the mornings and he’s added Chainsaws After Dark to his repertoire… so we had chainsaw song over dinner on Wednesday night, though for the life of us we haven’t been able to figure out what he was actually using it on… if indeed he was actually using it, odds are he was just making noise to annoy us.

It feels like we are living next to a time bomb.  No wait, I shouldn’t be speaking for Mr K and the Small Child in this matter… but I sure as hell feel like I am living next to a time bomb, just waiting for the next explosive and ill-advised temper tantrum.  I’m watching my poor dog like a hawk, tip toeing around the house when I’m home alone so they don’t know when we are home and when we are out.  Hoping like hell he doesn’t damage the property or put the place on fire when I do leave the house – because he’s evidently THAT STUPID.  It’s like having a huge festering boil next door and I’m just sitting here waiting for it to spew pus and vitriol all over us… again.  🙁  Nothing like having the peace and comfort of your own home compromised by elements (read: hairy unwashed miscreants) beyond your control!!!

neighbour asshole domestic violence suburbs

Basically I think we might correctly boast that we are living next door to one of the stupidest bogans in the entire country.  He has neither commonsense nor sound judgement, nor (apparently) the ability to control his own temper.  But most alarming of all, of late he is demonstrating that he does not seem to be in possession of a self preservation instinct!  Honestly, does anyone think it seems wise to continue to deliberately antagonize the Complainants in your upcoming court case; the very same people who are in the process of dealing with your landlord and taking out a Peace and Good Behaviour Order against you?

Oh wait, he doesn’t know about those bits yet…

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