Letter from Cousins


My dearest Borys,

I am so sorry that somehow I managed to make you feel like you needed to explain how you felt. I should be the one apologising for hearing your grief but failing to hear its depth. Believe me when I say that I did not mean to make you feel bad or that in any way that you had made me leave. I could clearly see you were struggling and did not wish to continue to make you feel bad. Like most people you encounter I suppose I thought you would get used to having the baby around. I had thought that you were expecting us. But I could quickly see that that was unfair on you especially in your own home. I did not want you to have to say anything about how it made you feel when I could clearly see you were having trouble coping. That is why I left while you were away. I hated seeing you in pain that I had invertently caused. I have no problems with ErickTheHalfABee staying overnight and we are in the process of arranging some respite so we will have child free weekends in the future. Thank you for sharing your pain with me I feel privileged that you would trust me with your private thoughts. If I or my misguided but loving husband ever say anything insensitive or stupid in the future just remind us to read your email again.
Yours Always

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