Since when is ecchymotic damage to one’s biological tissue ‘sexy’?

Doesn’t matter if I’m standing in the line at the supermarket and watching the check out chick pass my groceries over the bar code scanner or whether you’re in a nice restaurant scanning the over priced menu and being served by immaculately dressed and drilled wait staff… the minute I see a hickey on a customer service representative… my perceptions are immediately altered.

Goes double for social situations.  Could be at an SCA event or out at a party with friends or even a family gathering but whenever I see a hickey or as some deluded persons would have it… a "love bite"… I am predominantly left with three enduring impressions – 1) can’t you keep your shit in the bedroom where it belongs – we neither know nor care what you’ve been up to so stop oversharing.  2) is it possible to BE any more stereotypically cheap, nasty and plain ol’ fucking westie/bogan/white trash?  And…  3) is your most recent partner really so damned territorial they have to cock their leg and piss all over you before they let you leave the house?   Talk about an inferiority complex!

Hickies are about as trashy as they come.   I remember once when I was a teenager (all of about 15) a guy named Martin Bradbury and I were snogging half the night at a school dance or some such and the next morning I spied a small bruise on my collar bone and didn’t recall where the hell it had come from.  When the penny dropped I was furious.  How dare the fucking bastard mark me like that without my permission!!! 

And I’ve been absolutely opposed to them ever since.  I don’t solicit them.  I don’t inflict them.   And quite frankly I am generally predisposed to think that people sporting hickies are either deadshits who don’t care… or they’ve been sleeping with dead shits who have no respect.  I mean seriously?  How insecure and immature do you have to be to leave visible bruises on someone?  Didn’t this shit go out the window back in highschool?  It’s about as lacking in class, elegance, discretion and a sense of social propriety as is possible in my book.   Feel free to call me a dreadful snob (this is hardly news to anyone who has had the misfortune to read this journal before) but you can’t get any lower class than leaving hickies on your victims. 

If however, it is one’s intent to have one’s maturity, self esteem, respect for others and/or one’s ability to interact with others in a socially appropriate manner drawn into question… then by all means hoover away, leave your marks and look like a dickhead.

Tell me what you think