Our heroine is slowly but surely losing not just her marbles… but the bag she’s supposed to keep them in and the fucking receipt that one would have been well advised to keep in order that they may be returned! It is daily becoming more and more apparent by her demonstrable lack of rational thought or impulse control that the situation is bordering cataclysmic for we left dire and desperate behind months ago. The thought patterns are becoming ever more erratic, the concentration problems are increasing, the memory failures causing more and more daily disquiet and insecurities where previously none existed are inescapably eating away at what little desire she has to be here remains.

Desperation… they always say you only miss it once it’s gone 😐 ‘Twas months ago when that set in. How does you express what happens after that? When you’re past the desperation and have moved onto a place of such absolute hopelessness that the desperation of months gone by feels like something one ought to aspire to regain? I have to find somebody… anybody… but how to decide on such a thing when deciding what to eat or what to wear seem obstacles of insurmountable proportions. I was so emotionally distraught, thoroughly drained and subsequently deflated by S01E01 that the idea of seeking out another appointment and crossing my fingers seems to be inviting certain disaster and increased despondency.
How do you decide who to turn to unburden all your psycho hose-beastliness on?