I’ve seen some weird arse stuff turning up on the internet today. I don’t know if it’s just some weird abberation where all these strange stories are coming out en masse… or maybe it’s me and I need to readdress the decision to have the Google search ‘safe search’ function turned back on….
- Baby faced 13 yr old boy in the UK becomes a father
- Super Bling Bling Dog Groomer wins GBP 2,500
- Man lets 82yr old wife die after fall 10 weeks ago
- Father to 80 wants more children – thinks only 4 wives at a time isn’t fair
and it seems to go on and on and on. I think maybe I need to spend less time on the internet and get back into a good book… (I’m sure if I’d spent the last couple of hours reading the following wouldn’t have ensued :|)
borysSNORC ™ says: http://www.theonion.com/content/news/japan_pledges_to_halt_production
borysSNORC ™ says:
Salaberge says: About time they did something about the abuse of harmless household objects
borysSNORC ™ says: I just love this paragraph
borysSNORC ™ says: “The proposed new measures include a 50 percent reduction in live-eel anal insertions, and a requirement that portrayals of group sex involving seven or more individuals feature at least four human participants. Also under consideration is a zero-tolerance policy covering all “prurient uses” of colostomy bags.”
Salaberge says: OMG
borysSNORC ™ says: I nearly fell off the chair laughing
Salaberge says: We just saw the fish in the picture
borysSNORC ™ says: LOL …. we?
Salaberge says: Yeah, Mum’s been exposed to this now too BTW
borysSNORC ™ says: Huh?
Salaberge says: lol
Salaberge says: Mum is here reading this too
borysSNORC ™ says: Oh so now I have to send you links with a NSFM(um) warning attached?
borysSNORC ™ says: Ta
Salaberge says: Yep
Salaberge says: She’s laughing tho
Salaberge says: The live eels tickled her fancy
borysSNORC ™ says: Seriously? You’re kidding right?
borysSNORC ™ says: If she’s into eel porn… i am sure Yale can flick her some links
Salaberge says: Laughing I mean
Salaberge says: Ewww
Salaberge says: PAW
borysSNORC ™ says: PAW? What?
Salaberge says: Parents Are Watching
Salaberge says: You’ll have to catch up when the Small Child gets online
borysSNORC ™ says: Oh that is so not happening until 2021