After last night’s extreme moment of emo melon-kolly I found myself at Carindale today trying to shake it off with lunch out and bit of shopping… Quelle surprise? Retail therapy? Moi? Never! :S
Anyway lunch was lovely, I picked up my usual plethora of prescritption refills from the pharmacy, pottered around the QBD and Angus & Roberston (Is it too much to ask for one decent bookstore in the whole centre?) and went over to BIG W to have a look at iPhone dock alarm clock thingys which I believed were on special.

I had been looking at them just before Christmas for Mr K as his mother was after gift suggestions and the one we found with the clearest quality sound and was still small enough not to overwhelm a normal sized bedside table was a Logitech Pure-Fi Anytime. I initially saw them in JB HiFi for the rather exhorbitant price of $239.00 as it was one of only about four models available that were compatible with iPhone. This was the week before Christmas – so about five weeks ago now. I managed to find it for her cheaper online and she gave one to Mr K for Christmas and all was well with the world.
Anyway I had recently received some cha-ching birthday cash and Mr K was so happy with his wash that I thought I’d maybe get one for my room too. BIG W did indeed have them on sale – for $147.00! As I perused the shelves I could see there was about 10 or more iPhone friendly models available now which no doubt was responsible for the rapid price decrease. I decided that relatively it was a damn good price and grabbed one off the shelf took it to the BIG W Home Entertainment section counter. It was here that I was possibly ‘served’ (and again I use this term in relation to the customer service staff at this particular institution with no accuracy or perspicacity whatsoever) by the same Pubescent Pimple Faced Geek (they all look the same to me) who may or may not have been partially culpable in my pre-Christmas Zelda and the Twilight Fucking Princess shopping disaster.
The Pubescent Pimple Faced Geek scans my item which naturally the computer doesn’t read (why am I not surprised) and then he calls his buddy – let’s call him Pre-Pubescent Pimple Faced Geek for ease of identification – to read out the code from the shelf for him to type into the computer. Pre-Pubescent Pimple Faced Geek reads out a code. Pubescent Pimple Faced Geek enters the code into the register and the computer spits up my item as a ‘Logitech Pure-Fi Express’ (one model down) with the very attractive price of $97.00.
Hmmm… retail dilemma ensues. For a very very fleeting moment I consider telling them that they’ve made a mistake. For a second – not so fleeting moment I consider grabbing two more of them to flog on Ebay! So okay… ‘dilemma’ was probably overstating the situation somewhat.
I know the right thing to do was to tell them of their error and pay the correct price… but honestly? Am I really responsible for their incompetence?