Driving along in my automobile

I was being driven home tonight after a pleasant couple of hours having a cuppa with some friends… and we were coming through a fairly deserted area of road with no traffic to speak of and some fucking little brainless cunts (yes… pissed off and wound up enough for the seaword… probably only it’s second or third appearance in this whole journal) threw something at the windscreen of our car.

We were just driving along, I don’t recall if anyone was coming in the opposite direction or not and we heard a really loud crack noise (which was so loud that I initialy thought it was possibly a gun shot.  I looked up (I was tapping a calendar reminder into my iPhone at the time) and saw a massive splat of goo all over the windscreen.  Obviously not a gunshot (thank fuck) , too much goo to be bug (or one helluva fucking big bug), definitely not a bird (no blood and guts)… just goo.

We pull over (I’m sitting in the car ready to call the police if it was some sort of ploy to get the vehicle to stop… yeah my mind always immedately jumps to the worst conclusions) and we were trying to figure out what it was when sir_phil  finds a bit of egg shell near the wipers.  Some bored and obviously IQ defficient  individual/s threw a raw and possibly rotten (judging by the aroma) egg at our vehicle’s windscreen while we were travelling along at highway speed.

I mean honestly… what the fuck?  Where is the entertainment value in this?  If Sir Phil had reacted badly to the noise and sudden visual impariment of egg splattered all over the windscreen… we could very nearly have ended up in a fucking ditch or rammed into a road sign or something.  What sort of moron does shit like this for fun?

I am so totally over being freaked out in cars.  I’ve spent the last year over reacting to every little slight irregularity on the road… flinching when  anyone feels like they are too close… hypersensitive to feeling like I’m being tailgated… really uncomfortable when someone else is in control of the vehicle and I sit there biting my tongue trying not to tell them to ‘slow down’ or ‘dont follow too close please’, working really hard trying to either not pay attention or pretend I’ve got my shit together and am not bothered.  But I am really really tired of freaking out on the road over every little thing…. and then some fuckwit throws an egg at us…

I am starting to feel like I am cursed.  Like I was supposed to have gotten dead back in 1991 (in my 2nd accident) and someone’s been trying to get it finished ever since.  I honestly think I am destined to die in an automotive incident and for ages now have been just totally waiting for the hammer to fall.

PS –  I need nooo shew-hoo-hews   🙁

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