A is for Apple

There was an “A” for the letter meme that was going about a couple of weeks ago.  I haven’t answered it because I’ve been having trouble thinking of things that start with “A” that I like?!?!

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “A”….

1.  Angel – Obviously… he’s my favourite little person on the planet.
2.  Antibiotics –  living in the 20th/21st centuries is a good thing.
3.  Aibohphobia – appeals to my absurd sesquipedalian sense of humour  😛
4.  Avocados – especially when mushed into guacamole
5.  Amsterdam – canals, coffee shops, museums, red lights
6.  Au – favourite element on the periodic table.
7.  Asterias rubens – also known as the common starfish.
8.  Ahmets – local Turkish restaurants.
9.  Antidisestablishmentarianism – not the movement just the word  😀
10. Alcohol – in moderation of course.

amsterdam canals That was harder than I thought it should be.  Much easier was a 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “A” List

1.  ATO – (Australian Tax Office) No brainer that one.
2.  Ambiguity – call a spade a spade and we’ll get along famously.
3.  Alligators – not that we have any in Australia but they’re ugly
4.  Astrology – taking money from the niaive since 3000BC
5.  Algebra – didn’t get it then, don’t get it now.
6.  Aliens – not in books, not in movies, not on tv – it’s all crap.
7.  Adam Sandler – just sat through that Zohan nonsense.
8.  Amber – as a gemstone it is a bit of a blah.
9.  Aussie Ockerisms – we aren’t all inarticulate wankers.
10.  Assholes – one of a limitless number of ‘other’ human beings with whom we are forced to share space on this planet who may find themselves categorized thus for one or many infringements (large or small, real or imagined) against our persons.

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