My body is soooo pissed off with me for subjecting it to being so sedentary yesterday that is getting it’s revenge. i have had the worst migraine headache of my life all day. My head feels like it’s been wrapped in a halo of painful fuzziness with piercing pain through my temples and behind my eyes. My entire head is aching so much that even my teeth feel painful. There is also an extremely painful lower back thing going on and I can feel my heartbeat in painful pulses down my neck and across my shoulders.
On top of this I have been feeling nauseous all day from the pain which makes this the worst day to go to a local gourmet restaurant for a degustation lunch I couldn’t eat hardly a thing so that was a good waste of $60 for me,
Whose stupid idea was it to drive all the way in one hit! Ow! Ow! Fuckity Ow!
But on an upside… my little car rocks! It’s one of those things that you’re never sure how small cars will go all packed up on the highway and the little Swift was fantastic. It seems to like sitting on 125-130kpm which isn’t good if you want to be a law abiding citizen but is fantastic if you want to feel like you’ve flying past everyone going “Fuck off…. I’m the Queen!!!”
I’ve been on a bit of a online shopping spree lately. It probably has something to do with being home a lot and therefore online a lot… and it’s a rare thing that is more dangerous than a chick with a credit card and a high speed connection. Some of the random things that have come through the post of late…..
a Ka-dounk to keep in my car – every girl should have one….
a new keyboard cos i’ve scratched most of the letters of my old one with my nails. I got this one cos the letters can’t scratch off I am aware that this particular keyboard probably significantly increases my geek points :S
some bee stickers that I had made for my car that I totally don’t need but think they’re kinda cute anyway.
And yay! I just found out that our stuff from the Artificial Duck Store is in the post. I can’t remembered what we ordered so it’ll be like opening up a Christmas present! Gotta love that. I flitter around reading some blogs here and there but I think Dave2 of Blogography fame is one that I read everyday. I think it’s because he travels a lot which is alway interesting and I find his cartoons really funky. Tthat and he rants really well, which we all know is the hallmark of a truly great blogger
and also some snow clothes for the Small Child picked up for a bargain on eBay (which is a good thing because they won’t fit him next year anyway and there’s not a lot of call for owning ski gear in BrisVegas!!). .
I went to the cinema today with BigSal to see “Married Life” which as a side note was pretty good and not quite as dark as I was expecting. During the commercials that preceded the film BigSal leaned over to me and said “Grrr.. I hate this commercial!” to which I replied “I haven’t seen it – I don’t watch TV”
So we watch the advertisement and I find that I am absolutely appalled with this commercial. Who are they trying to flog their tampons to? Certinaly not me or any of my peers. It’s not that I find it morally offensive. I don’t – I’m not what you’d call a prude and come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being prudish my entire life. But I do find it intellectually offensive. What sort of chicken fucking moron thought that an advert like this would be appealing to today’s consumer conscious woman? I have NEVER met a women who called her vagina, ‘her Beaver’. NEVER. It’s so typically a term that resides in the domain of purile prepubescents or perhaps just mysogynistic and immature adult males. I don’t know. But it’s certainly not a word that comes out with any regularity in my circle of acquaintance.
After seeing this ad I have decided to that I NEVER want to purchase another Kotex product ever again. If advertising companies want to hawk their products at me then they need to work harder. Bring on the witty, clever or sophisticated concepts… not fucking mindless, asinine and downright moronic bullshit like this that seems predominatly aimed at pulling cheap laughs.
It is bad enough that women HAVE to spend money of these sorts of necessary products? (Money that I’m sure most of us would rather spend on nail polish, Magic 8 balls or Fruit Tingles!!!). Do we really have to put up with this sort of ridiculous insult to our intelligence while we do?
I never thought I’d say this – but bring back the good old days of the ‘watch how this blue liquid soaks into the sphagnum layer’.
What a calamity! How can we carry on…. It was so quick, so easy, so yummy… so no wonder THEY (it’s always THEM) went and fucked with it.
Grrrr… <insert pouty childish tantrum here> …. I have not been able to find any Old El Paso Guacamole Mix!!!!
I love my guac and making it from scratch is all fabulous and all, but when you’re in a hurry or when everyone is drunk and/or stoned at festival at -2 at 2am you just can’t go past the Old El Paso Guacamole Mix for a quick guac fix when you’re on the piss… Only I haven’t seen it on the shelves at the supermarket for a couple of months now. I have a horrible sinking feeling that they’ve discontinued it. How could they! The bastards.
* Mexican tragedy just didn’t sound right….. see???
PS – I hate LiveJournal…. last week it posted one entry twice and now because it’s full of Russian gremlins, it has posted my last four entries as private even though I never selected that. I suppose I should go make a ‘real’ blog at :S .