Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!!!

Mr K, Yale and Angel went off to something called GenCon yesterday while I was at the Mt Cotton doing the advanced driving course.  Sounds like they had a really good day.  Angel got to play some Pokemon, Yale got a game called Heroscape (or something like that) and Mr K got to ogle the teenage Cosplay chickie in her Princess Leia gold bikini get up (who I’ve heard mentioned no less than 5 times since they got back 🙂

So apparently BSG’s Jamie Bamber …. Lee “Apollo” Adama was supposed to be there but for whatever reason didn’t end up being on the schedule.  Instead they got to meet Alan Tudyk of Firefly fame who we also loved in Death of a Funeral, A Knight’s Tale and the Serenity movie to name just a few.  Cool huh?  AND the Mr K bought me a photo signed just for me by ‘Wash’ himself…..

Wash picture with Alan Tudyk's Signature

But wait there’s more!!!

Angel was playing with the toy dinosaurs that they had on the table where he was signing autographs and the particularly impertinent manner familiar to parents of seven year old boys the world over… Angel asked Mr Tudyk if he could have it.  So how cool is this guy that he signs the dinosaur and gives it to him and now Angel is the proud owner of an autographed stegosaurus signed by Alan Tudyk.

Angus Alan Tudyk Dinosaur

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