Holy snappin’ duck shit!!! What the hell was that?!?!

My house which is a the bottom of my street backs onto the Gateway Motorway (one of the main bypass roads for the city).  As anyone who has come to visit us here knows that the traffic noise is really rather loud and off putting outside.  Normally you can’t hear much of it inside the house as the roof is insulated well and we don’t have any widows on the west side of the house that faces the highway.  At the moment they’re expanding the road out there which means they’re also in the middle of putting up massive new noise barriers which will probably make it nice and quiet in the yard too.

As per usual I’m getting off the point :S  Every now and then you’ll hear a truck tyre blow and it sounds like a gun shot or something or you occasionally hear the squeal of brakes and brace yourself for the crash which more often than not never happens.  You can often hear idiot truckies on their jake brake cos they’re lazy fuckers.  Anyway yesterday afternoon we were hanging about in the lounge room when we heard a god almighty crash out the back… probably the worst sound I’ve ever heard from out the back.  Seeing that it was nearly time to go get the Small Child from school we decided to head off a little early so we’d have a few minutes to have a sticky beak from the overpass to see what had happened.

And were greeted by this –

It was only about 150m from my house.  So it happened around 2.40pm which of course then meant the traffic was shot until well after the peak hour.  I drove past on our way back from dinner out last night and at 8.45pm they still hadn’t even started the vehicle recovery.  I can’t believe that both the truck driver and the driver of the little mashed 4WD walked away from this mess.


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