And on the fifth day..,

He said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.”

Pain Clinic…. Day Five….  Ho Hum.

Hump day today… half way through the program.
Feels like everyone has tanked.
Tracey Shoulders is flatly refusing to participate and wants to go home.
Alan Everything has ‘done sumpfink’ to his neck so only half in.
Brent Neck fell over in gym so skives off for half the days work.
Anal Retentive Robyn couldn’t be bothered baking and brings lolly snakes instead.
Absent Peter is even more absent than usual.
Even Uncle Frank seems lacklustre with his dirty jokes today.

And Me?  Well I’ve just had it too – have cut the pain meds down to nearly nothing and am gritting my teeth atm to see if I can stay off them.  Strangest thing though is that I can take the medication and still be in pain or I can go without like today and still be in pain anyway (albeit worse but ever present).  So what is the point of taking all the analgesics if they dont seem to be doing much anyway.

No more flashy bums today,
One horror ride in the Rehab bus to the hydro pool
Borys freaks out in the traffic again  only this time has an audience 🙁
Half our happy group skives out of hydrotherapy.
So the water teemed with only half the living creatures.
The other half pike on going for a walk.
And all of us have just about had enough psycho-babble and occupational therapy to last for a while.

Hope the mood lifts by Friday.   :S  Cos being in pain around painful people aint my idea of a good time

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