Look Mom! No rants!

I’m being encouraged to focus on stuff other than painful things, so I’m not going to rant on today about my back pain, I’m going to post some cool pics of nonsense.  Unfortunately, we’re likely to be back to our regular programming tomorrow.

For the last three years, whenever someone asks Angel what’ he’d like for his Birthday or Christmas or any other gratuitous-occasion-for-the bestowal-of gifts he will inevitably answer with an emphatic “Lego!”.  As the years have gone on this answer has become “Lego… obviously… ummm what else?”  So today for everyone’s inner child…. (whom according to Blography Dave you occasionally have to tell to ‘go fuck themselves’) we have Lego pics which have nothing to with chronic pain and/or subsequent major depressive episodes.

“These have nothing to do with anything….
…. and everything to do with nothing.”


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