Antisesquipedalianists Beware…

I like words.  Always have actually.  Prefer crosswords to Sudoku and Scrabble over Yahtzee etc.  When I was in high school I used to get called a Walking Dictionary simply by virtue of having a half way decent vocabulary for someone my age.  Mind you it wasn’t difficult to have a more impressive grasp of the English vernacular than your average boy crazed, spiral permed, Duran Duran fan in the mid 80s. 

I recall one particular Geography lesson in grade eight where Miss Lowe (Miss Lowe was a freakishly tall and skinny, miserable spinster-bitch who wore patio dresses long after they went out of fashion) in a discussion about Papua New Guinean islanders, directed a question to the class about their gourd wearing habits – “Does anyone know what the word ‘phallic’ means?”  As was my normal habit I was busy doodling on the back of my notebook and so absentmindedly put up my hand… only to look up and find I was the only member of the class who had.  Which is how I ended up explaining the meaning of the word ‘phallic‘ to a bunch of giggling eighth graders at my all girl school!!  How embarrassment!  😐

Anyway, end of tangent – I have some letter magnets that I keep on my fridge which have been used over the last few years by household inhabitants and occasionally visitors to change into an interesting word.  Some word offerings have been known to sit on the fridge for many weeks, while others have needed changing the moment the creator has left the premises (thanks Surly for the ‘Fuckers’ you left for Angel to try and pronounce).  We’ve had impressive polysyllabic offerings, lewd and indecent ones and plenty of made up words too.

At the moment, in honour of my coming out as a closet wordsmith, the fridge says:

Which is a word you just don’t hear often enough.  🙂

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