WoW Widow

Since Mr K got a WoW account some months ago, he’s become a bit of a hermit…. not as bad as some WoW players I’ll grant you, but he’s been sucked in and now has a healthy habit, that no doubt he’d tell you he could stop any time he wanted to. For example, I can’t see what he’s doing on his PC at the moment, but I’d put money on him having his game running on one of his screens right this minute.

I toyed, for a fleeting second… a very fleeting second, with the idea of getting an account to see what all the fuss is about and maybe having something to talk to him about over dinner that isn’t work related. But, never fear I managed to come to my senses and decided that I didn’t want to talk to Mr K that much after all! 😛


And as if to totally demonstrate my point, he just this minute came out complaining of wifi dropouts up the back and how dire it was that we fix it straight away, cos he’s in a battlefield that he really needs to do to get a weapon he really wants.  Sigh… sometimes I hate it when I’m right.

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