Hurry up and Wait…

In order to avoid what I was certain was going to be an positively unbearable Mr K on election day, I had arranged to head off up to the Eumundi Markets for the day with 

.  So far so good.  And in order to beat the traffic, get up there in a goodly time frame and (importantly) be able to find a park not too far away from the action, we agreed to meet at my place at 7am for the approx 2 hour trip.  

So much for that!  I waited and waited.  And eventually my patience wore a little thin, so I called him at 0745 to see where he was.  Asleep apparently..   🙁   He’d slept through his alarm and well… that shit me to tears.   So he said, I’ll grab a quick shower and be there in 10mins.  Okay.  So I sat and I waited, and I wonder how fucking long is ten minutes anyway, and he eventually turned up around 0830!!

But the whole time I was waiting, I was literally sitting there trying my hardest not to get pissed off about waiting.  It’s not that big a deal, we didnt really have any pressingly urgent agenda to deal with once we got where we were going… so why was I getting so pissed off?!?!?  I don’t know.  But I just know I hate being kept waiting unnecessarily.  I mean I really fucking hate being kept waiting … for anything really.  And when I am being kept waiting it’s like I’m unable to help myself but to focus all my dislike of ever having been kept waiting on that one presently occuring occasion.  And I get more and more angsty, and more and more pissed off as the minutes tick by.  And even though I promise myself I am not going to gob off in an overtly snarky manner at the first opportunity when they turn up…  I always do!

Cant help myself – I have to go and spew vitriole all over the place or I end up carrying it around all day. 

For the record, I did get over myself, the drive was pleasant, the markets were fun, frivolous purchases were had by all and nary a comment about elections to be found!

Tell me what you think