
I called in sick today… turns out the ‘sick to my stomach’ from yesterday wasn’t just an idiom.  I’ve been heaving all over the place and now have the aching and sore back to show for it.   I’m totally in the mood to have a bitch.  And I’m sick and tired of bitching about work so here’s something that’s been inexplicably pissing me off lately…

I have tried and tried and I am totally failing to understand what is the attraction with plastering your car rear window with frangipani stickers?  Maybe it’s a throw back from my childhood where my 4Wheel Driving Mum and Dad flatly refused to follow the trend of obscuring the back window with a multitude of stickers of places they’d travelled to and had a sole lonely ‘Leave Straddie Unabridged’ sticker decorating the car for many years?  Maybe it’s cos I’m just not a frilly, floral chinzy sort of gal?  Or maybe it’s because I simply don’t identify any appeal in decorating your car in a commonplace poisonous weed of a flower?   I don’t get it… and every single afternoon I find myself in traffic muttering ‘more frangi-fucking-panis!’

Ban the litlle florally fuckers I say….


Tell me what you think