And it’s not even Wednesday!!!

My afternoon spriralled down the gurgler about an hour ago… and it’s not even Wednesday!
My friendly neighbourhood Team Leader called in sick today.  and in her absence I got stuck looking after one of her jobs.. .which went horribly wrong about an hour ago.
It started out as an innocuous little enquiry from the client, who was calling to confirm if the data file he can DL from our website was correct?  Because all the dates didnt matcht the proofs he had signed off on.
Turns out that one of the IT guys processed out the wrong data file to the laser department and I had to halt production part way through a run ….
35000 rates notices incorrectly printed and now destined for the recycling bin.  What a waste.  So the ineptitude of the dopey IT guy then becomes my emergency… racing around Laser… jumping up and down on the IT guys… raising customer complaint action reports… co-ordinating quotes to replace the wasted stock… and (the worst bit) trying to placate the client when his job has been pooched severley.
And it’s not even Wednesday!!!  


I totally thought this guy would end up getting PIPped or something – but nothing. 

IT Guy:  ‘Whoops!  Sorry about that…’
IT Guy’s Boss:  ‘No worries mate, we’re only human”

I mean WTF??? Where are the consequences for lacking attention to detail in your work here?

None! Nada! Zip!  Nil!  Nothing…. something wrong with this picture.

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