
 stole a thing that I’ve restolen 🙂  Login with the details provided, answer the questions and get some valuable career advice…. along the lines of what sort of occupations would suit you best.  Here is the illustrious list that got spat back at me.

1.  Desktop Publisher – sure why not?

2.  Fashion Designer – mwahahaha not likely!

3.  Animator – hmmm… nope

4.  Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator –  I strongly doubt it

5.  Set Designer – nope

6.  Costume Designer – maybe…

7.  Graphic Designer – sure why not?

8.  Artist – what’s the pay like?

9.  Computer Animator – do i need a sense of humour?

10. Medical Illustrator – ewww….

11. Industrial Designer – not so much.

12. Interior Desinger – sure why not?

13. Website Designer – porn sites? 🙂

14. Director of Photography – what sort of photography?

15. Special Effects Technician – outlook does not look good

16. Makeup Artist – mwahahaha not likely!

17. Historian – maybe…. if there were sheep…

18. Sign Maker – omens or billboards?

19. Computer Trainer – funny, really funny

20. Dental Lab Tech – ewww….

21. Gunsmith – Rock!  do I need to know anything about guns? 😛

22. Critic – already have years of experience… 🙂

23. Upholsterer – pass 😐

24. Writer – doesn’t this require talent?

25. Musician – ditto?

26. Director – of what?

27. Political Aide – yeah… right!

28. ESL Teacher – requires a grasp of ‘E’ yeah?

29. Foreign Language Instructor – mayhaps…

30. Curator – just not modern art puhlease!

31. Public Policy Analyst – yawn.

32. Picture Framer – double yawn

33. Composer – again with the talent thing

34. Musical Instrument Builder and Repairer – huh?

35. Furnisher Finisher – it’s really just a hobby

36. Market Research Analyst – bor-ring

37. Bicycle Mechanic –  😐  …. oh people really.

38. Translator – yes cos i have the patience of a saint

39. Telephone Operator – i dont think i could wear those little things on my ears.

40. Tailor/Dressmaker – requires fashion sense yeah?

So I note that ‘Accounts Manager’ (sounds interesting probably isn’t) doesn’t appear on that list which is unfortunate given that I am starting my new job tomorrow as an Accounts Manager for a large printing company… at least I think they are a printing company 😛


The Cat Empire Rock!!!

The ‘Na, Na, Na’s were from a Cat Empire song called “In My Pocket” and I threw the post on as I was running out the door to go see them play the Tivoli last night! Woo-hoo… love last minute outings. The concert was great fun, I haven’t been out for live music for ages, I guess you kinda get out of the habit :S I really enjoyed the show, they’re lots of fun (hmmm… did I say that already?) and really high energy, which really gets the crowd going. Was a few too many indulgent solos thrown into a lot of the old favourite songs, which is fine, but I don’t care how good your drummer is, it’s hard to keep bopping along through a 10 minute drum solo… and even harder trying to keep moving through a trombone solo! 🙂

And sniff, sniff… they didn’t play Lullaby…. but it was still a great night 🙂


That’s it! I’m moving to Russia!

Mumble mumble… all we get is a stupid Ekka holiday!   :S

Russian ‘sex day’ to boost births

Irina and Andrei Kartuzov - 26/6/2007

This year’s grand prize winners drive off in their new SUV

The governor of Ulyanovsk region in Russia is offering prizes to couples who have babies in exactly nine months – on Russia’s national day on 12 June.

Sergei Morozov wants couples to take the day off work to have sex. If a baby is born on national day, they will receive cars, TVs or other prizes.

Mr Morozov has declared Wednesday “family contact day” as part of efforts to fight Russia’s demographic crisis.  The population has sharply declined since the Soviet Union collapsed.

This is the third year that Ulyanovsk, in central Russia, is offering prizes for babies born on 12 June.  This year, a couple won the grand prize of a sports utility vehicle (SUV).

The initiative seems to be paying off, as the region’s birth rate has risen by 4.5% over the last year.

fully story here


A Tale of Two Jobs

Whilst expending half arsed efforts looking for a new job over the last few weeks, and starting to get a little stressed about whether I would ever find something that I could cultivate a vague interest in… it never occurred to me that I’d end up even more stressed by being offered more than one job and then having to decide which job I wanted.

Now you’d think it would be easy enough to figure out which job to take – just pick the one you want the most.   Only problem is neither of the jobs thrill me all that much 😐  And both of them weigh up about the same in the pros and cons list.  Roughly the same dosh, one slighly more challenging than the other, one likely more secure than the other, one slighly better conditions than the other, one slightly better location than the other…  shame all those good things aren’t in the one damn job! 

So now I’ve been trying to figure out which one to take.  :S 
Grrr…. too hard basket – maybe I should just dump them both and look for something better.