What’s wrong with this picture?

I get a regular email from the Rammstein online community… yes I know… it’s about as twee as humanly possible to be subscribed to a fan mail newsletter… but it’s Rammstein yes? So there’s like, less humiliation in admitting to being subscribed to their newsletter, than say… oh, I don’t know… Kelly Clarkson or some such shit. And I am keen to know if they are ever planning to tour Down Under.. or somewhere near by, like maybe Hong Kong or something :S so I stay subscribed (besides they have some really cool merchandise from time to time 🙂

Anyway at the bottom of the latest mail out was this notation (love the interesting translation from the German) and a link to this video…

“Those who want to know whereat one laughs the most in the Rammstein home at the moment, should be tempted to dance here!”


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