Urban smut

NB – Do not click on these links at work.

Someone will have to explain to me the virtues of the Urban Dictionary.   Personally, I can see no reason why anyone would want to allow the unwashed miscreants of this world to be able to bastardize the language by creating often fallacious definitions for colloquialisms of frequently ambiguous origins.

I mean – do we really need to have terms (let alone definitions) for such things as this… or this… or what about this stunning example.  How do we benefit from having a forum where people without credential, and seemingly without moderation, are able to contribute to a pool of knowledge (and I use the term loosely) that appears to revel in the banal, the vulgar, the utterly moronic and the often distasteful.  It seems the primary objective of the contributors is to create and define terms as depraved and repellent as humanly possible… and all under the guise of contributing to popular culture by ‘defining your world’.  From what I’ve seen of the Urban Dictionary over the last couple of years – there’s very little on here that defines my world.

Sigh… but then again… here I am contributing my own special little bit of drivel to the world wide web on LJ…. which no doubt many would view in a similar vein.

Tell me what you think