Non je ne regrette rien….

I went to see La Vie en Rose with Yale last night. And after seeing the movie, I think you can kinda understand a bit more why Edith Piaf’s music tends towards the haunting and kinda… well… miserable. What a tragic and downright crappy life the poor woman had. And what a bloody bitch she became 😐  Why society tends to allow  talented people to carry on like total preciously and pretentious little pork chops is beyond me.  (The practice/concept of being sycophantic doesn’t mesh with my ordinary demeanor – but that is probably a whole other story.)

Anyway, I quite enjoyed the movie, it was the sort of thing I’ll probably not  want to watch again, but well worth seeing.  I liked being able to see the translations of the lyrics as the songs were being performed.  And the lead actress Marion Cotillard was fantastic.  I thought she did an absolutely amazing job of playing the eccentric and strange looking Edith Piaf – she must have studied Piaf’s mannerisms for hours – and the scene where she has just heard the news of a tragic plane crash was positively heart wrenching. 

Make up artists deserve an Oscar too… Marion Cotillard is Hot with a capital H…. but they made her into the weird looking Edith … and then made her into a convincing (still weird looking) but now old and dying Edith, where she was looking anything but attractive…


Tell me what you think