Some cool and uncool things about Istanbul
. There are no bins in this city anywhere… and yet the streets are mostly quite clean!
. I can’t bring myself to have a shower of more than 3-4 mins even though there’s no drought here!
. Can’t stand haggling in the bazaar… am glad at home the price is just the goddamn price.
. It’s strange to see women covering their heads in religious piety yet walking down the street hand in hand with their beaus.. wasn’t expecting that.
. No one here seems to take Visa and no shopkeeper can ever break a YTL50 without theatrics.
. Filletmignon with mushroom sauce does not translate and is actually some ghastly cheesey white sauce mushroomy thing on cardboard steak….. :S
. You can buy g-strings in the supermarket, yet 45% of Turkish men think it’s okay to beat your wife.
. Stray cats here seem to travel in pairs – Toxo and his mate Plasmosis….
. Those strange little tubs are not milk…. they’re watered down yoghurt! Bleurk!!! All yours Dr Nick.
I am sure there is more but the internets cost too much around here…. hopefully there will be a ready supply of internets around the countryside….