
I totally lost it at work today….  and I hate doing that!  I was literally frustrated to tears being stuck in the corporate treadmill between the Billings Dept and the Credit Management Dept  – you’d think they’d be one and the same thing … buy they’re fucking not!!!  All I knew is that the poor customer has no internet cos they’d locked his account for an outstanding account … and that account shouldn’t have been raised in the first place!  And neither of those departments wanted to take ownership of the problem and get it solved.  They’d rather waste my time bouncing me back and forth between the two departments.  So it went from CM to Billings to CM again, then back to Billngs, by which point I was well and truly ticked off… I got a chickie there who I was admittedly a little abrubt with (in that I told her it was an issue between Billings and CM and nothing to do with Tech Support so could she please help the customer?!?!) and she hung up on me!!!

Great customer service bitch!!!  Certainly put a downer on my day… felt totally deflated after that…..  🙁

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