Turtle Porn!!!

What on earth?!?!  I was just reading some comments on Blogography – the only blog I regularly read that belongs to someone I dont actually _know_ in real life (though I’m starting to feel like Dave2 is a bit of a kindred spirit! 🙂  and there was a comment left there by someone who says that there are people out there on the indanet searching for…. Turtle Porn!    I mean honestly people!  At what point am I going to be able to sit there and no longer be shocked/stunned/bemused and/or gobsmacked.. or have some other eyebrow raising reaction to the sorts of things that people are into???

Just when you think you’ve heard it all… along comes Turtle Porn!!  Which I can’t seem to write without using capitilization….. like somehow it’s less offensive when written as a proper noun!  Urgh!!!    Along with all the ‘normal’ (when it became normal I’ll never know) porn, we’ve got crap like Chinese Eel porn, Furry porn, Fleshlight porn, and of course…  my favourite… Midget Goat porn floating around out there… but for crying out loud…. turtles????

Some things are just too wrong for words…  poor little turtles….  🙁

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