OH FERFUCKSAKE!!! – smash head on desk… repeat!

It’s been a very… very…. long day…. starting this morning with a particularly horrific call at work that is kinda painful to recall…. though no doubt someone will find this amusing…

Customer had a wireless broadband modem (The little blue one with the two antennas?   Yes… the one with the two antennas) and it looked like it was working… says it was connected and I could see in our system that it appeared to be connected…. but it was bringing up ‘page cannot be displayed’ and spitting up a couple of messages that sounded like it was trying to dial up….  So I spent the next hour or so, torturing this poor customer trying to figure out why he had no data flow…. checking drivers, confirming the account details, sussing out his network connections, defaulting his IE bullshit, rebooting the hardware, enabling this, turning off the firewalls, unticking that, running the connection wizbang,  eventually uninstalling the doover, deleted his dial up crap, reinstalling the thingamebob…*   and so on an so forth as laid down in the gospel according the Trouble Shooting Database….. Amen.  😐  

Eventually frustration starts to settle in…..  I don’t get it…. it should be fucking working!!!!

HelpDesk Chickie:  Please bear with me, Mr Customer#63.. something rather odd appears to be blocking your internet connection, would you please hold the line while I consult with a colleague…. ???  

Customer #63:  (big sigh)  No problem…

So I sent off a quick message to one of the more technically savvy amongst us outlining succinctly and professionally (read: I left out all the expletives) everything I had done.. and I got this message back…

BackUp Guru:  Open IE, select ‘Files’, and untick ‘Work Offline’. 

Hmmm…  somewhat perplexed HelpDesk Chickie advises customer to do same..

Customer#63 : Well… what do you know!

HelpDesk Chickie:   Not a lot apparently … 😐

 *(not necessarily in this order Mr Yaleman if
you’re reading this and about to start picking on me!)

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